Course Catalog
NEURO 4: Indications for Veterinary Neurologic Referral
Course Description:
Indications for Neurologic Referral: During this hour, the participant will learn about strategies and priorities for the referral of a neurologic patient and the indications for neurologic referral. The attendee will learn about the indications for neurologic referral and the steps taken to ensure a smooth process for the veterinary patient and the client. Various disease processes will be discussed in order to clarify the referral process and to emphasize prognostication and outcomes.
Live Webinar: Wed, April 9th, 2025 at 6:00PM PT
Type | Audience | Credits | Price |
Webinar | Veterinarians, Veterinary Techs, Veterinary Staff, Student, Other | 1.00 | $30.00 |
NEURO 3: Neurolocalization Two: The String Cheese Incident
Course Description:
This lecture will discuss the intricacies of neurolocalization below the foreman magnum – more specifically the four different spinal cord segments, C1-C5, C6-T2, T3-L3 and L4-S2 as well as the neuromuscular system to include the nerve roots, peripheral nerve, neuromuscular junctions and muscle. Each portion of the above will be discussed and correlated with findings on the neurologic examination. The practitioner will be refamiliarized with which neurologic findings correlate with which part of the spinal cord and the neuromuscular systems and why this is important as far as determining what differentials are constructed and what diagnostics are recommended. Tips and tricks will be discussed to help the practitioner become more confident in neurolocalization below the foramen magnum and to how to make the process easier to understand.
List of items to be discussed:
1) The importance of history taking
2) Components of neurolocalization below the foramen magnum
4) Determining differentials based upon the history and signalment of the patient
Live Webinar: Wed, March 12th, 2025 at 6:00PM PT
Type | Audience | Credits | Price |
Webinar | Veterinarians, Veterinary Techs, Veterinary Staff | 1.00 | $30.00 |
AGILITY 1: Introduction to the Sport of Dog Agility
Course Description:
An overview of dog agility with an emphasis on health impacts of sport participation.
An overview of dog agility with an emphasis on health impacts of sport participation.
Live Webinar Recorded: Wed, July 13th, 2022
Type | Audience | Credits | Price |
On Demand | Veterinarians, Veterinary Techs, Veterinary Staff, Student | 1.00 | $40.00 |
AGILITY 2: Injuries in Agility Dogs/Health Needs Assessment.
Course Description:
An overview of the types of injuries that are most common in agility dogs. How frequently do they occur? What are the general risk factors for injury? What types of injuries are most common? What are the chances of return to competition after a serious injury? How can the veterinarian maximize those chances for return to athletic activity? Discussion of survey results to provide insights into the biggest health concerns of today’s competitors. From what sources do agility competitors get health information? How much do they trust their veterinarian?
An overview of the types of injuries that are most common in agility dogs. How frequently do they occur? What are the general risk factors for injury? What types of injuries are most common? What are the chances of return to competition after a serious injury? How can the veterinarian maximize those chances for return to athletic activity? Discussion of survey results to provide insights into the biggest health concerns of today’s competitors. From what sources do agility competitors get health information? How much do they trust their veterinarian?
Live Webinar Recorded: Wed, August 10th, 2022
Type | Audience | Credits | Price |
On Demand | Veterinarians, Veterinary Techs, Veterinary Staff, Student | 1.00 | $40.00 |
AGILITY 3: Orthopedic Evaluation of Agility Dogs.
Course Description:
Presenting complaints that might be unique to agility dogs such as “popping” weave poles, knocking bars, refusing to do individual obstacles, early take-off syndrome, or other poor performance situations. How does a veterinarian approach these problems including physical exam, orthopedic exam, review of videos, etc? When is referral or advanced imaging indicated? To whom should you refer? What is known about conditioning and rehabilitation from injuries?
Presenting complaints that might be unique to agility dogs such as “popping” weave poles, knocking bars, refusing to do individual obstacles, early take-off syndrome, or other poor performance situations. How does a veterinarian approach these problems including physical exam, orthopedic exam, review of videos, etc? When is referral or advanced imaging indicated? To whom should you refer? What is known about conditioning and rehabilitation from injuries?
Live Webinar Recorded: Wed, September 14th, 2022
Type | Audience | Credits | Price |
On Demand | Veterinarians, Veterinary Techs, Veterinary Staff, Student | 1.00 | $40.00 |
Agility 4: Shoulder Injuries and Digit Injuries in Agility Dogs
Course Description:
An in-depth look at shoulder injuries and digit injuries in agility dogs. What types of injuries occur? What are the risk factors for injury? What factors influence likelihood of return to competition after digit amputation? What role do dew claws play in athletic function of agility dogs? What are the best options for treatment of shoulder injuries?
An in-depth look at shoulder injuries and digit injuries in agility dogs. What types of injuries occur? What are the risk factors for injury? What factors influence likelihood of return to competition after digit amputation? What role do dew claws play in athletic function of agility dogs? What are the best options for treatment of shoulder injuries?
Live Webinar Recorded: Wed, October 12th, 2022
Type | Audience | Credits | Price |
On Demand | Veterinarians, Veterinary Techs, Veterinary Staff | 1.00 | $40.00 |
AGILITY 5: Iliopsoas Injuries and CCLR in Agility Dogs
Course Description:
An in-depth look at iliopsoas muscle injuries and cruciate ligament rupture in agility dogs. How do you differentiate between these two common causes of hind limb lameness in agility dogs? What are current recommendations for rehabilitation after iliopsoas injury? What are the factors associated with increased or decreased risk of CCLR in agility dogs? Can a dog with CCLR return to high-level agility competition after TPLO or similar surgery? What is the prognosis after conservative or nonsurgical treatment? What factors are associated with successful return to competition?
An in-depth look at iliopsoas muscle injuries and cruciate ligament rupture in agility dogs. How do you differentiate between these two common causes of hind limb lameness in agility dogs? What are current recommendations for rehabilitation after iliopsoas injury? What are the factors associated with increased or decreased risk of CCLR in agility dogs? Can a dog with CCLR return to high-level agility competition after TPLO or similar surgery? What is the prognosis after conservative or nonsurgical treatment? What factors are associated with successful return to competition?
Live Webinar Recorded: Wed, November 9th, 2022
Type | Audience | Credits | Price |
On Demand | Veterinarians, Veterinary Techs, Veterinary Staff | 1.00 | $40.00 |
AGILITY 6: Working with the Traveling Competitor and Her Dogs
Course Description:
What are the unique veterinary needs of the competitor who travels extensively across the US or across the world to compete in agility and how can you, as their veterinarian, contribute to a safe travel plan? What are appropriate recommendations to prepare for travel via air or land with dogs of all sizes? How do you maintain biosecurity and infection control in diverse geographic areas? Is it appropriate to prescribe drugs such as metronidazole or carprofen “just in case” they’re needed?
What are the unique veterinary needs of the competitor who travels extensively across the US or across the world to compete in agility and how can you, as their veterinarian, contribute to a safe travel plan? What are appropriate recommendations to prepare for travel via air or land with dogs of all sizes? How do you maintain biosecurity and infection control in diverse geographic areas? Is it appropriate to prescribe drugs such as metronidazole or carprofen “just in case” they’re needed?
Live Webinar Recorded: Wed, December 14th, 2022
Type | Audience | Credits | Price |
On Demand | Veterinarians, Veterinary Techs, Veterinary Staff | 1.00 | $40.00 |
Veterinary Medical Records
In this 90 minute course, Dr. Harmon Rogers presents an overview of veterinary medical records including regulatory codes and types of record keeping.
Type | Audience | Credits | Price |
On Demand | Veterinarians, Veterinary Techs, Veterinary Staff | 2.00 | $100.00 |
Neuro 1: The Art of the Neurologic Exam and Neurolocalization
Neuro 1 Course Description:
This course discusses how to fine tune a neurologic exam and how to use the examination findings to help neuro-localize with ease. Common misinterpretations of various neurologic findings will be discussed so that these mistakes can be avoided. There will also be some practice neurolocalization cases that will be discussed as a group. Come join us in this session so that you can make the neurologic exam a simple and routine part of your day-to-day practice.
Type | Audience | Credits | Price |
On Demand | Veterinarians, Veterinary Techs, Veterinary Staff | 1.50 | $37.50 |
Neuro 2: Understanding Vestibular Disease
Neuro 2 Course Description:
This course consists of a 50-minute presentation breaking down the vestibular system. We will review the anatomy of vestibular system and how to utilize the neuro exam findings to localize the vestibular disease and prioritize differentials based on case presentation. There will also be some fun practice cases and discussion!
Type | Audience | Credits | Price |
On Demand | Veterinarians, Veterinary Techs, Veterinary Staff | 1.00 | $25.00 |
Neuro 3: Common Spinal Diseases
Neuro 3 Course Description:
This course consists of a 50-minute presentation looking at the more common day to day spinal cord diseases encountered in the private practice. We will review some new literature on these diseases and will discuss how to prioritize differentials based on the signalment, onset of clinical signs and progression. We will summarize the session with practice cases and discussion.
Type | Audience | Credits | Price |
On Demand | Veterinarians, Veterinary Techs, Veterinary Staff | 1.00 | $25.00 |
Neuro 4: Clinical Use of EEG for Seizure Diagnosis And Beyond
Neuro 4 Course Description:
Seizures often present as “weird episodes”, with a wide range of clinical manifestations that overlap with non-seizure disorders. To help answer the eternal question of “Is this a seizure?”, EEG is an inexpensive, non-invasive diagnostic modality that is increasingly available in veterinary medicine (including at WSU!).
In addition to helping diagnose seizures, EEG allows us to isolate specific subtypes of epilepsy. Additionally, this may help guide seizure therapy as well as aid in the diagnosis of sleep and movement disorders. This course offers background on the physiology of seizures and explores various clinical applications of veterinary EEG through discussion of case examples, to highlight the utility of this diagnostic tool.
Target audience: Veterinarians, Veterinary Technicians, Veterinary Staff
Type | Audience | Credits | Price |
On Demand | Veterinarians, Veterinary Techs, Veterinary Staff | 1.00 | $25.00 |
Neuro 5: Common Idiopathic Syndromes of the Nervous System
Neuro 5 Course Description:
This course consists of a 50-minute presentation looking at the more common idiopathic syndromes of the nervous system encountered in the private practice. We will review key neuroanatomy on these presentations and will discuss how to prioritize clinical decision making on medical management, follow-up and prognosis.
Type | Audience | Credits | Price |
On Demand | Veterinarians, Veterinary Techs, Veterinary Staff | 1.00 | $25.00 |
Neuro 9: Cerebrovascular Accidents
Neuro 9 Course Description:
This 50-minute course aimed at veterinarians and veterinary technicians explores the different types of “strokes”, or cerebral vascular accidents (CVAs) in brains of common veterinary species. We will review the vascular anatomy of the brain and explore the effects of CVAs on neural tissue. Additionally, we will discuss how different diseases can result in CVAs along with the relevant diagnostics. We will also review the most recent evidence-based recommendations on treatment and associated prognoses, with a focus on pre-referral and first line therapy.
Type | Audience | Credits | Price |
On Demand | Veterinarians, Veterinary Techs, Veterinary Staff | 1.00 | $25.00 |
The Ins and Outs of Megaesophagus: A Guide to Diagnosis and Management
Megaesophagus is the most common cause of regurgitation in dogs and can also be seen uncommonly in cats. The disease offers many unique challenges in regards to its diagnosis and especially management. This presentation goes through all aspects of canine and feline megaesophagus and provides a practical guide to help clinicians feel comfortable and confident in treating this challenging disease.
Type | Audience | Credits | Price |
On Demand | Veterinarians, Veterinary Techs, Veterinary Staff | 1.50 | $75.00 |
ECC-1: Top Toxins: Approach to Diagnosis and Treatment in Small Animals
This is the First Course in the Emergency and Critical Care Program!
ECC-1: Toxicities are a common reason for emergency presentation for cats and dogs. This case-based presentation will provide a general approach to all toxicity cases as well as in depth discussion of 5 of the most common toxicities. Diagnosis, decontamination, and treatment will be presented specifically for NSAIDs, marijuana, chocolate, xylitol, and anti-coagulant rodenticides.
Live Webinar: Wed, April 29th, 2020 at 6:00PM PST
Type | Audience | Credits | Price |
On Demand | Veterinarians, Veterinary Techs, Veterinary Staff | 1.00 | $50.00 |
ECC-2: Controversies in the Acute Assessment and Management of Trauma
This is the Second Course in the Emergency and Critical Care Program!
Title: Controversies in the Acute Assessment and Management of Trauma in Small Animals
ECC-2: Trauma occurs commonly in small animal patients and may vary widely in severity. In this presentation, we will discuss initial triage, assessment, and stabilization of trauma cases. We will provide practical tips for common types of trauma. We will also discuss some of the controversies in management including fluid types, fluid rates, use of steroids, when antibiotics are indicated, and approach to the pet with non-responsive shock.
Live Webinar Recorded On: May 20th, 2020
Type | Audience | Credits | Price |
On Demand | Veterinarians, Veterinary Techs, Veterinary Staff | 1.00 | $50.00 |
ECC-3: Approach to the Sick Diabetic
This is the Third Course in the Emergency and Critical Care Program!
ECC-3: This course consists of a 50 minute review of the small animal diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) patient. It will be focused on the most efficient diagnostics, monitoring techniques, and treatments available with the goal of maximizing the survival of these patients. We will discuss important pathophysiological concepts, but the main goal is to help clinicians improve the outcome of these patients who present with this emergency condition. Furthermore, we will discuss how important it is to recognize when to refer or when to treat in situations when limited facilities may be available. Management of DKA patients can be very stressful, but this course will make those who encounter this disease feel more confident and secure when making clinical decisions about these patients.
Type | Audience | Credits | Price |
On Demand | Veterinarians, Veterinary Techs, Veterinary Staff | 1.00 | $50.00 |
ECC-4: Bedside Abdominal Ultrasound
This is the 4th Course in the Emergency and Critical Care Program!
ECC-4: Cage side abdominal ultrasound it is used every day in the emergency setting. It is very helpful as part of the triage and also as a diagnostic tool. This session is intended to present the base of cage side abdominal ultrasound, normal and abnormal findings and most common differentials. After this session we hope you will feel comfortable to use your cage side abdominal ultrasound in your daily emergencies and will help you guide your patient stabilization, diagnostic and treatment plan!
Type | Audience | Credits | Price |
On Demand | Veterinarians, Veterinary Techs, Veterinary Staff | 1.00 | $50.00 |
ECC-5: Thoracic Point of Care Ultrasound
This is the Fifth Course in the Emergency and Critical Care Program!
ECC-5: Thoracic point of care ultrasound it is used every day in the emergency setting. It is very helpful as part of the triage and also as a diagnostic tool. This webinar is intended to present the base of thoracic point of care ultrasound, normal and abnormal findings and most common differentials. We will also touch base on how to perform a pericardiocentesis. We hope that after this session you will feel ready and confident to use your thoracic point of care ultrasound on your daily emergencies and will help you with your patient stabilization, diagnosis and treatment.
Type | Audience | Credits | Price |
On Demand | Veterinarians, Veterinary Techs, Veterinary Staff | 1.00 | $50.00 |
Bovine Pinkeye Considerations
A review of our current understanding of bovine pinkeye (infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis) including recent insight into etiologic agents, antimicrobial therapeutic options, and vaccine strategies.
Recorded June 10, 2020
Type | Audience | Credits | Price |
On Demand | Veterinarians, Veterinary Techs, Veterinary Staff | 1.00 | $50.00 |
Canine Hyperadrenocorticism Part 1: Identification and Diagnosis
Hyperadrenocorticism (Cushing’s disease) is seen commonly in our canine patients. This 2 part presentation will guide general practitioners through the process of diagnosis and treating Cushing’s disease and includes answers to commonly asked questions, step by step guidance on interpreting diagnostics, as well as up to date information on treatment options.
Type | Audience | Credits | Price |
On Demand | Veterinarians, Veterinary Techs, Veterinary Staff | 1.00 | $50.00 |
Canine Hyperadrenocorticism Part 2: Treatment
Hyperadrenocorticism (Cushing’s disease) is seen commonly in our canine patients. This 2 part presentation will guide general practitioners through the process of diagnosis and treating Cushing’s disease and includes answers to commonly asked questions, step by step guidance on interpreting diagnostics, as well as up to date information on treatment options.
Type | Audience | Credits | Price |
On Demand | Veterinarians, Veterinary Techs, Veterinary Staff | 1.00 | $50.00 |
Burns And Smoke Inhalation: Thing To Do and NOT Do
In this 50 minute course, Dr. Gold will discuss how to do first aid on horses with burns and things to do and not do to. She will also discuss smoke inhalation, signs to watch for, things to do and not to do. This course is intended for Veterinarians, Horse Owners and Veterinary Students. Dr. Gold recorded this course in response to the fire damage in the northwest in Fall 2020.
Type | Audience | Credits | Price |
On Demand | Veterinarians, Veterinary Techs, Veterinary Staff | 1.00 | $50.00 |
Dairy Calf Gastrointestinal Disease: Diagnostics, Therapeutics, and Education
Addressing the Problem of Dairy Calf Gastrointestinal Disease Through Enhanced Diagnostics, Novel Therapeutics, and Practical Education
This course provides an overview of preliminary results and methods from a project focused on improving classifications for neonatal dairy calf GI disease through enhanced diagnostics, including epigenetic and microbial community evaluations. Diarrhea-associated neonatal calf gastrointestinal (GI) disease remains one of the most important diseases in dairy calves. Severe diarrhea impacts animal welfare and results in significant economic losses due to high mortality rates, high medical costs, and low weight gain. However, our ability to distinguish between the different pathologies associated with GI disease, i.e. our analytic accuracy of identifying different GI disease phenotypes, is hindered by limited availability and use of on-farm diagnostics and particularly the limited implementation of postmortem evaluations. Given the high proportion of affected calves treated with antimicrobials, improving on-farm diagnostic skills and therapeutic options are key for improving agriculture’s stewardship of antimicrobial use.
Type | Audience | Credits | Price |
On Demand | Veterinarians, Veterinary Techs, Veterinary Staff | 1.00 | $50.00 |
How to Deal with Burns and Smoke Inhalation in Horses
This lecture discusses how to deal with burns and smoke inhalation in horses. We will go through the different classifications of burns and different treatments. We will discuss smoke inhalation and its after effects.
Type | Audience | Credits | Price |
On Demand | Veterinarians, Veterinary Techs, Veterinary Staff | 1.00 | $50.00 |
Gastric Ulcer Disease in Horses
Gastric Ulcers are a common problem in horses, but are they as common as our owners think? This hour will be used to discuss risk factors for developing gastric ulcers, treatment and diagnostic options as well as tips for improving success and quality of gastroscopy.
Type | Audience | Credits | Price |
On Demand | Veterinarians, Veterinary Techs, Veterinary Staff | 1.00 | $50.00 |
Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Horses
Inflammatory bowel disease refers to a diverse group of causes of inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. Even more frustrating is that horses with IBD can display a wide range of clinical signs. The goal of this hour is to discuss why horses develop IBD, diagnostic tests that are at our disposal and how to interpret the results and finally treatment options for IBD.
Type | Audience | Credits | Price |
On Demand | Veterinarians, Veterinary Techs, Veterinary Staff | 1.00 | $50.00 |
SDMA Clinical Utility in Small Animal Medicine
SDMA is a widely available commercial test that has revolutionized how we detect kidney disease in small animal veterinary medicine. Despite SDMA’s success in measuring/estimating a decreased GFR, we must remain diligent in our practices to appropriately use this biomarker in regards to our patients’ healthcare. During this course we will discuss the origin, science and literature available in regards to the veterinary use of SDMA, then we will discuss several clinical cases in which SDMA values may or may not have helped in achieving an accurate diagnosis.
Type | Audience | Credits | Price |
On Demand | Veterinarians, Veterinary Techs, Veterinary Staff | 1.00 | $50.00 |
West Nile Virus - It Hasn’t Gone Away!
This presentation is for owners and veterinarians to understand what West Nile Virus is, the history of the disease and its spread across the United States. Discussion of the clinical signs including videos. Treatment protocol will be reviewed and then the importance of prevention and how to prevent will be discussed.
Type | Audience | Credits | Price |
On Demand | Veterinarians, Veterinary Techs, Veterinary Staff | 1.00 | $50.00 |
AVOID CAT'TASTROPHE: Updates on Anesthesia & Analgesia for Cats
Cats present some unique anesthetic & analgesic challenges and are at higher risk than dogs for anesthesia-related mortality. Small body size, fight/flight tendencies and species-specific responses to drugs can complicate feline anesthesia and analgesia. Addressing specific cat concerns can make anesthesia safer and analgesia more effective. Cat-specific anesthetic and pain management drugs and techniques, along with updates on feline-specific literature and new drugs are covered in this 95 minute On-Demand course.
Type | Audience | Credits | Price |
On Demand | Veterinarians, Veterinary Techs, Veterinary Staff | 2.00 | $50.00 |
Bull Breeding Soundness Evaluation
The evaluation of bulls for their ability to perform as herd sires has unfortunately become commonly labeled as “semen testing” or “semen evaluation”. It is important to stress that semen evaluation is just a small part of the complete evaluation of bulls for breeding soundness.
Type | Audience | Credits | Price |
On Demand | Veterinarians, Veterinary Techs, Veterinary Staff | 1.00 | $50.00 |
Preventing Spread of Nosocomial Infections in Small Animal Practices
Veterinarians are increasingly aware of infectious disease risks in their patients, and nosocomial infections are at the top of the list. This On-Demand lecture aims to provide the small animal clinician with some basics to develop your own infection control program. Topics to be covered include the most frequent nosocomial agents, transmission prevention, cleaning and disinfection, protocol development, surveillance, and communication approaches.
Type | Audience | Credits | Price |
On Demand | Veterinarians, Veterinary Techs, Veterinary Staff | 1.00 | $50.00 |
Calf Care Audit
By the time a treatment decision is made for a young calf, the disease process likely affected its growth potential. This On-Demand program will highlight the tools and methods for evaluating the critical control points in calf rearing. The research for this project was funded by the USDA NIFA Grant No. 2015-68003-22998.
Type | Audience | Credits | Price |
On Demand | Veterinarians, Veterinary Techs, Veterinary Staff | 1.00 | $50.00 |
Pain Management Certificate Program - Bundle
Drs. Tamara Grubb and Stephen Greene present a series of courses to provide a complete exploration of pain management concepts and techniques. This program is composed of the eight individual modules and awards 10 credits as participants progress through the modules.
Type | Audience | Credits | Price |
On Demand | Veterinarians, Veterinary Techs | 10.00 | $425.00 |
PMCP 1: Assessing Pain in Animals
In this first module of the Pain Management Certificate Program, Dr. Tamara Grubb presents an hour long discussion on multiple assessment scales and how to properly assess pain using those scales.
Type | Audience | Credits | Price |
On Demand | Veterinarians, Veterinary Techs | 1.00 | $50.00 |
PMCP 2: Pain Physiology
In this second module of the Pain Management Certificate Program, Dr. Stephen Greene presents a 50 minute discussion on the physiology of pain, the five sites of analgesic action and distinguishing pain types.
Type | Audience | Credits | Price |
On Demand | Veterinarians, Veterinary Techs | 1.00 | $50.00 |
PMCP 3: Analgesics for Acute Pain in Dogs and Cats
In this third module of the Pain Management Certificate Program, Dr. Tamara Grubb presents an hour long discussion on acute pain in addition to new and established drug therapy options.
Type | Audience | Credits | Price |
On Demand | Veterinarians, Veterinary Techs | 1.00 | $50.00 |
PMCP 4: Chronic Pain: Pathology and Treatment
In this fourth module of the Pain Management Certificate Program, Dr. Tamara Grubb presents a 90 minute discussion on chronic pain pathology and treatment.
Type | Audience | Credits | Price |
On Demand | Veterinarians, Veterinary Techs | 1.50 | $75.00 |
PMCP 5: Analgesia Drop by Drop: Constant Rate Infusions Made Easy
In this fifth module of the Pain Management Certificate Program, Dr. Tamara Grubb presents a 75 minute overview of constant rate infusions and how you can utilize them in your practice.
Type | Audience | Credits | Price |
On Demand | Veterinarians, Veterinary Techs | 1.50 | $75.00 |
PMCP 6: Local/Regional Anesthesia in Dogs & Cats
In this sixth module of the Pain Management Certificate Program, Dr. Tamara Grubb presents a 90 minute overview of local and regional anesthesia and how you can utilize them in your practice.
Type | Audience | Credits | Price |
On Demand | Veterinarians, Veterinary Techs | 1.50 | $75.00 |
PMCP 7: The Scientific Basis for Acupuncture
In this seventh module of the Pain Management Certificate Program, Dr. Stephen Greene presents a 50 minute discussion on the effects of acupuncture on the tissues, immune system, and the nervous system.
Type | Audience | Credits | Price |
On Demand | Veterinarians, Veterinary Techs | 1.00 | $50.00 |
PMCP 8: Case Based: Tools for Developing Analgesic Protocols
In this eigth, and final, module of the Pain Management Certificate Program, Drs. Tamara Grubb and Stephen Greene present a 90 minute discussion of tools designed to help develop analgesic protocols for every patient through case examples.
Type | Audience | Credits | Price |
On Demand | Veterinarians, Veterinary Techs | 1.50 | $75.00 |
Proper Planning and Execution in Oncologic Surgery
Proper planning optimizes success in oncologic surgery, while inadequate planning can result in recurrence of a tumor more aggressive than the original. We will discuss selection and prioritization of steps involved in working up an oncology patient (including staging and grading), the decision process for when to take incisional vs. excisional biopsies, guidelines for achieving margins on common tumor types like mast cell tumors and soft tissue sarcomas, and steps to minimize tumor seeding.
Type | Audience | Credits | Price |
On Demand | Veterinarians | 1.00 | $25.00 |
Control of Zoonotic Diseases in a Veterinary Hosptial
In this 50 minute course, Dr. Margaret Davis reviews five zoonotic diseases of importance to a veterinary hospital. The topics touched on are the signs and symptoms in animals and humans, mode of transmission and preventative measures.
Type | Audience | Credits | Price |
On Demand | Veterinary Techs | 1.00 | $25.00 |
Trichomoniasis Testing Course for Bovine Practitioners (WSDA)
Trichomoniasis is a venereal disease among cattle that can cause abortions, low pregnancy rates and delayed or prolonged calving seasons. The disease is present in the U.S., and can have severe economic costs for Washington’s beef producers. Tight economic conditions may allow the disease to spread undetected (e.g. less pregnancy checking, longer breeding seasons, purchase of bargain cows), but trichomoniasis can be prevented and controlled through management.
NOTE: Certificates are issued through WSDA after you complete the course!
Type | Audience | Credits | Price |
On Demand | Veterinarians | 0.00 | $0.00 |
Tuberculosis Certification Testing for Bovine Practitioners (WSDA)
Tuberculosis (TB) is a re-emerging disease in the United States and is a threat to Washington cattle.
All TB testing of cattle or bison in Washington state is performed by a veterinarian accredited by the United States Department of Agriculture, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Services. In addition, all accredited veterinarians who test cattle or bison in Washington for TB are required to successfully complete training in tuberculosis testing procedures provided by USDA or WSDA by April 30, 2010. Veterinarians who do not meet this deadline may not perform official TB testing until training is completed. Veterinarians who do not meet this deadline may not perform official TB testing until training is completed. Veterinarians who watch the video provided on this website and pass the quiz will meet USDA and WSDA requirements for TB certification. (WAC 16-86-125)
NOTE: Certificates are issued through WSDA after you complete the course!
Type | Audience | Credits | Price |
On Demand | Veterinarians | 0.00 | $0.00 |