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*Stories submitted before July 2008 can be found here.

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Cooky - May 11, 2010
This is in memory of my Cooky, she died on May 2nd, just one month short of her 13th birthday. I miss her very much, she use to carry in the newspaper to my 86 year old Mother, when I had to tell my Mother about Cooky, all she could say was, who will carry in the paper now, then she cried. As you  [...]
Sparky - May 10, 2010
Let me tell you about Sparky, he was a 9 1/2 year old Pug, I got him when he was 2 years old from a person who kept him in a cage and when he came to us , we had 2 labs and a big yard so he got to learn how to play. Sparky had his own personality. His nic name is "FAT DOG" cuz over the year of up  [...]
Zamboni - May 10, 2010
Zamboni was a sleek, all black, velvety, purry, faithful companion whom we enjoyed for nearly 13 years. We acquired him in July of 1997 from a friend’s farm near Prescott, WA where he had been dumped along with his litter mates. “Bozy” was so very healthy for so many years. Then in early 2009  [...]
Logan - May 09, 2010
Our dear, sweet Logan was a Border Collie / Lab mix. He was brown and white, with the sweetest, most beautiful blue eyes you have ever seen. He was our best friend and we will love him forever.

Logan first came to WSU to be treated for a brain tumor in April of 2009. Logan went through 3.5  [...]
Norman - May 09, 2010
Norman was an amazing friend. He was smart, funny and always there for you when you needed him the most. He would wake you up when you had slept long enough, or when he wanted food. He was always in the mood for a good can of tuna and loved gold fish crackers. His favorite activites included head  [...]
Harry 6-Toes - May 07, 2010
In Loving Memory of my Beloved Harry 6-Toes - ??-??-?? to 03-17-10.

Harry 6-Toes came to live with us in a round-about way. He showed up at a friends place, Carson's Arabians along U.S. Highway 12 in late summer of 2006. I believe that he was a man's traveling companion, this belief comes  [...]
Zeus - May 07, 2010
We recently had to put down our kitten Zeus due to Feline Infectious Peritonitis. He was just one week shy of being 9 months old when we had to do it; he was approximated to have a birthdate of 4th of July. He was a Maine Coon or Maine Coon Mix; although he showed every single character trait of a  [...]
Vlad - May 07, 2010
Our veterinary hospital, Queen Anne Animal Clinic, recently made a donation to your Pet Memorial Program in memory of our deceased cat Vlad. We would like to post a picture of our handsome buddy, who sadly passed away on April 5th, 2010, having lived almost a full and vibrant 18 years. We are by  [...]
Mandy - May 05, 2010
Mandy, she was mine from the time she was six weeks old and for a long time it was just her and I. Then we found "Dad". She was such an incredibly beautiful cat and so playful and loving to her "sisters" and "brothers". She overcame hip surgery due to arthritis and in her last four-five years was  [...]
Honda - May 05, 2010
Honda, my "little man" was a stray we found at our rental home June, 1995 and he was our incredibly loving, beautiful cat until his health took over his frail little body and we had to make the tough decision of letting him go on March 30, 2010. He was so very much a part of our life and we miss  [...]