A donation was made in memory of Satch II on
Oct 14, 2010.
I bought Satch II, several days after my first standard poodle Satch I died of cancer at 10 1/2 years of age. I fell in love with both Satches, but II had unique personality traits that were funny and annoying at the same time. Satch II was always happy...always ready to hit the road and go bye-bye. He loved being in his truck on his "throne" where he could see everthing and not be bothered by the other dogs. Satch II was easy going and never let the other standard poodles get the best of him until later in his life when his body betrayed him and he did not have the stamina or the strength to fend off play attacks. He would always come running toward me for protection. I knew this bothered him, because in his younger years he would not abide by such disrepect from the whippersnappers, but age took his toll. I will always miss him and he will have a fond place in my heart. I can only hope God does let animals in heaven because I cannot wait to see Satch II again in the hereafter.