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*Stories submitted before July 2008 can be found here.

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Moki - Jun 29, 2011
Mokihana No Ka Oi ("Moki") left us on June 28, 2011. Moki was a 12-1/2 year old Australian Shepherd. There is so much to say about Moki, but the three words "" sums it up for us. Moki will forever be in our hearts and hopefully, one day we will meet up again. In the meantime, we hope  [...]
Timber - Jun 27, 2011
Timber was our first dog and our first Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever. She enriched our lives and made us better people for it! Her enthusiasm was boundless which gave us so much joy and pleasure! She was a wonderful swimmer and preferred to retrieve logs rather than sticks. She also loved  [...]
Obi - Jun 27, 2011
It was unbelievably hard to say good bye to Obi, our very lovable, playful, and affectionate kitty that we got in Pullman a lifetime ago. He's been part of our family for 16 years, and he will be missed.

Chris and Jessica C.
Gus - Jun 21, 2011
Gus, a Lewellin Setter, was my best pal. After picking him up at 7 weeks old I was transferred to a construction project that was 4.5 hours’ drive from my home. We packed up the RV and made our home away from home closer to the job site. In my line of work I have the luxury of taking him with me  [...]
Blue - Jun 21, 2011
Ellensburg Blue was his name and the best dang retriever I have had the honor of training. He was 12 when I had to put him down on 6/20/11. He achieved his Junior Hunter title September 2000 and would have gone on to win more titles if my ups/downs in life hadn't gotten in the way. We trained under  [...]
Lily - Jun 21, 2011
Lily: We "inherited" her when my aunt passed away in January 2008. My aunt had had Lily since she was a baby. My aunt was unmarried and had no children but she considered Lily Bird her child. This was very evident since Lily was so spoiled! Unfortunately for Lily, she greatly grieved the loss  [...]
Ella - Jun 20, 2011

Doug M.
Kente - Jun 20, 2011

Doug M.
Bud Norman - Jun 20, 2011
Normie (as we sometimes called him) was a mini pin. He was 15 years old when he passed but he will live in our hearts forever.

For the most part, he was such a laid back little guy. I think I would describe him as the ultimate lap dog, which we had no problem with. He allowed us to live in his  [...]
Carly - Jun 17, 2011
Today I received a letter from the WSU College of Veterinary Medicine telling me that Deschutes Animal Clinic donated to the Pet Memorial Program in memory of my dog, Carly. I was so touched by this. I thought I would write and tell you a bit about Carly.

Carly was an Australian Cattle  [...]