
A donation was made in memory of Pungalo by Doctors and Staff of the Companion Pet Clinic - Cascade Park on Nov 21, 2011.

Pungalo was born on July 1, 2000 and went to his final sleep on November 18, 2011. He was one of my very best of friends. The name Pungalo means “mischievous male” and it is meant to be an endearment for a young male child. I picked up Pungalo as a pup on a dark and rainy night and at the time he was named “Lightning” because of the marking on his face. When I first met him the first name that came to mind was Pungalo Boy. He was about 8 weeks old when he was delivered to me. He met his mate that same night, Ecalaease, who was 9 months older than him. They were very close throughout his life. At night before sleep, they would lick each other’s face or touch noses.

Pungalo met his next human mom that same night, and he would also love her throughout his life. She held him against her chest and he was always comfortable with her. He was always such a good boy.

Pungalo was the only dog I ever had that would actually sob when I scolded him. He was a fast learner, so the scolding was at a minimum. Whenever he sobbed, it would just break my heart and I would end up holding him to make sure he knew I loved him so much. Pungalo is one of the few dogs that would actually sit and watch TV with me, lying against my right leg, with his mate lying against my left leg.

Pungalo always slept with us as a pack, sometimes as many as 4 Boston Terriers and me, all slept together in the same bed. Pungalo would always sleep by my right shoulder, and sometimes when he got cold, he would paw at my arm or shoulder so he could get underneath the covers. He was like a little heater, and always kept me warm. Sometimes his mate, Ecalaease, would insert herself between me and Pungalo when it was time to go sleep at night.

Pungalo went to his final sleep against my chest, with me whispering to him to go sleep, and me silently saying “Goodbye my Pungalo Boy, have a good journey”. I have been in combat and this was one of the hardest decisions that I have ever made. I am not ashamed to say I cried for my Pungalo boy. There is such emptiness in the pack, and the pack knows he is gone. We miss him so much. I miss him so much.

Pungalo's best friend.

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