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*Stories submitted before July 2008 can be found here.

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CeCe - Nov 17, 2009
When we picked out Ce Ce as a pup there was an immediate bond. We knew she was the perfect companion for the both of us.. Even though people made little jokes for us owning such a tiny dog, they had no idea how courageous and big hearted Ce Ce truly was.. What she didn't have in size she made up  [...]
Shanti - Nov 14, 2009
Shanti was born apprx 08-10-94 and passed away 11-13-09. She is survived by her family members Chris and Gigi Frost. She gave her family unconditional love for over 15 years and was one of the greatest dogs on the planet. She will be loved and missed always. Rest in peace my lovely F.  [...]
Shou Shing - Nov 12, 2009
Our little Shou Shing was the most gentle and loving cat to ever visit our home. She stayed with us for 12 years. Such a beautiful little Ragdoll. We miss her terribly.

William and Nona W.
B.B. - Nov 12, 2009
BB adopted Mom in the late '80's on a dark stormy night. Mom heard a commotion at the front door and opened it to see what was happening. A wet mop practically jumped in her arms. Mom cleaned her up, fed her and spent the next week trying to find out who was her owner, posting flyers and contacting  [...]
Sara - Nov 10, 2009
My parents had been without a dog for about a year when their last little mixed breed passed away after 12 years

with them. Mom decided it was time to find another dog so she looked and looked for the breed she has always

wanted a Yorki. Mom found an ad in the Seattle Times for a  [...]
Precious - Nov 09, 2009
"Precious was a sweet kitty to all. But she would only befriend a select few for some reason. Precious was born June 30th, 1998 and spread her wings on October 12th, 2009. We will always remember her sweet little self following everyone around the house because she loved attention. One of the most  [...]
Twig - Nov 09, 2009
I had her for 14 years I have had her since I can remember. she was my baby girl. she was with me when now one else was. she was an 18 pound cat. she was the sweetest cat a person could want. she was my miracle cat. when she was 7 weeks old the vets said she would not survive to be a year old.  [...]
Whisper - Nov 06, 2009
Whisper was an amazingly smart, sweet and gentle member of our family.She was a Malamute mix, whose talkative nature was in total contrast to her name. She loved to play, roll in snow and lounge in cold waters and kiss every child within her reach. We found Whisper shortly after we married and she  [...]
China - Nov 04, 2009
Shawnkara's Painted Porcelain UD, RE, NJ/NA; UKC CD/ ASCA CD; Two high in Trials. NADAC - too many titles to list. For nine years we lived in each other's footprints. China traveled with me everywhere, her ribbons decorate a whole room, she never left my side. She went too fast, and at nine years  [...]
Molly - Nov 04, 2009
She was not only my pet,

but my friend. She liked everyone, especially children. Molly was Poodle

Schnauzer mix; looked & acted like a poodle. She was grey & white. I had

her for 15 happy years of which she was very devoted to me. When I had my back

turned, I always looked before  [...]