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*Stories submitted before July 2008 can be found here.

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Maggie - Aug 20, 2019
Our little Maggie came to us as a stray, scared, starving and mistrustful of men. With a little love and good food, she soon became the mistress of the household, ruling the roost and putting the boys in their place.
Although a challenge, she was a loving girl and as she aged, grew more mellow  [...]
Scrappy - Aug 20, 2019
Our beloved Scrappy was adopted from our local humane shelter in 2006. He was 4 months old and was a owner surrender because the previous owners other dog did not get along with him.
His shelter name was Chipper and we decided to name him Scrappy.
He loved walks, cuddles, food (especially cat  [...]
Precious - Aug 20, 2019
Precioius was indeed Precious. I rescued her at 7 years old from a puppy mill, where she had been used as a breeder all those years - though she should never have been bred at all because she had so many physical problems.
She was so grateful to have a loving, caring home with two pup brothers and  [...]
Jemimah Puddle-Duck - Aug 14, 2019
Jemimah, aka Kitten, was in our life since she was about 5yo. I adopted her while working at a veterinary office from a woman who could no longer care for her. I will always remember the way she greeted me when I walked through the door - flopping onto the ground and showing her belly - and the  [...]
Zeppy - Aug 13, 2019
Zeppy was the best girl ever. She was with us 14 years and brought great joy to our lives. We miss her every day.
Sam Broadsward - Aug 12, 2019
Sam was the best labradoodle in the world. He was a truly a gentle giant whom everyone loved and adored. He was my best friend and the greatest companion. He loved to swim, fetch sticks and have the best adventures with me. He would catch mice and carry them around in his mouth, then let them go. I  [...]
Cara - Aug 09, 2019
Cara was with us for 16 years and brought joy to all the people and animals she came in contact with. She loved the sheep we raised and would communicate with them through the fence. She had several medical issues but was always a happy little dog and never complained. We will miss her.
Gracie - Aug 08, 2019
April 2011 - May 9, 2019
My precious Gracie girl...I miss you every day.
Jake - Aug 08, 2019
On July 23, 2019, after 15 and 1/2 years, we said goodbye to Jake. He was a happy spirit who never saw a beach he didn't like or a stick he wouldn't fetch unless he found a bigger one nearby. He was sure we would like the bigger one better. Big brown eyes and a beguiling doggy smile made it easy  [...]
Asterix - Aug 08, 2019
Asty (Asterix) was the first and oldest of our 3 dogs, as well as the last to leave us at 13 years old. I often think of him as a monk, because he has gone through the first half of his life being bullied by his two dog brothers (Archie and Arthur), but he came out of it calm, peaceful, tolerant to  [...]