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*Stories submitted before July 2008 can be found here.

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Baby - Jun 18, 2020
Baby was a beautiful and spunky German Shepherd. She was raised with her litter mate, Bella. They started out their life in Virginia going to the beach every day. Baby loved her ball and ran after it till she dropped! She ended her journey in Washington, still loving her soccer ball. She filled us  [...]
Sami - Jun 18, 2020
A few things I remember about Sami when I first brought her home from the shelter: 1) Anytime I sat down she wanted to sit next to me, but never on my lap. Always next to me. 2) She tolerated only about 5 seconds of being held before she wanted down. 3) She had no fear. She stared down a vacuum  [...]
Maggie - Jun 16, 2020
Maggie was an old soul in a playful Wheaten Terrier body. He coat was soft and her personality was caring and silly. Her tail wagged so fast that she made everyone smile and then fall in love with her. But her soulful eyes were the real story of Maggie. She showed love and compassion with those  [...]
Samba - Jun 16, 2020
August 2013-May 2020

Samba joined our family as an 8 week old puppy. He was a quiet young man, but very loyal and connected to us almost immediately. We discovered at a vet visit when he was about 4 years old, that he had hepatitis (probably from birth), and the resultant abnormally  [...]
Willie K - Jun 16, 2020
Principessa is from It's a Beautiful Life and if you've seen this Italian movie you know it's what the hero says as he looks up to a love in his life and calls her name. That's how we saw Willie K when she looked down on us from the top of our stairs -- and now from heaven. We miss her; she added  [...]
Bianca - Jun 16, 2020
We got our beautiful Bianca via Dr Roxanne Jackson, at Highline Veterinary Hospital. She works with a rescue group in Puerto Rico.
Bianca was approx 5 years old and lived on the streets, before she was finally rescued. When we met we both were instantly bonded. She licked my face the entire 2.5  [...]
Luna - Jun 11, 2020
Luna was a field kitty that we got when she was just a kitten. She loved her dog, Noche, most of all. She was Abigail’s kitty, who misses her very much.
Mocha - Jun 11, 2020
Mocha will be missed by our family. He was adopted at 9 months after being found running wild in a farming area of Eastern Washington but adopted us right back spending 13 years as our beloved furry family member. I always say that Mocha had the most loving personality of any of our dogs. He lived  [...]
Odie - Jun 09, 2020
Miss you every day little buddy!
Bandit - Jun 09, 2020
Our wonderful fur baby’s 4 ½ month battle, with B-Cell lymphoma ended February 2nd, just shy of his 13th birthday. It was hard fought and we did everything possible with all options available, but his body was worn out from Chemo and all the changes that come along with it. We were hoping a  [...]