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*Stories submitted before July 2008 can be found here.

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Jack - Sep 12, 2008
To my Best Friend of 11 1/2 years.....There are not enough words for me to express my love and my loss. Having you fall asleep in my arms was the hardest thing I've ever done. I miss you every day and when I cross over I will find you and we will be together again. See you again some day my  [...]
Sadie - Sep 09, 2008

Terri and Lee N.
Sienna - Sep 09, 2008

Laurie P.
Kimmi - Sep 05, 2008
Kimmi came into my life six years ago, a very furry grey terrier with the sweetest face you ever could find. My husband volunteers with a rescue organization, so he insisted I meet Kimmi just after we had said goodbye to our darling terrier, Sherlock. I wasn't quite ready for another pet but Bob me  [...]
Budrow - Sep 03, 2008
My sweet loyal friend, Budrow.

Full name Budrowvistrownoggiachompa.:)heehee Most people just called him Bud.

He was called home to heaven on September 2nd 2008.

He was the most awesome dog I have ever known. More like a human than a dog. He was my family, my loyal companion,  [...]
Dexter - Sep 02, 2008
Date of Birth: 9/3/2007

Date of Death: 8/4/2008

We only had him for a short time but he gave us a lifetime of memories.

Julie K. and Family
Scout - Sep 01, 2008
Scout lived a long and happy life traveling with her mom from Kansas to Colorado to Arizona until we settled in with Eric in Washington state. She was the most energetic, happy dog and lived her life with zest and love. She was her mom's most loyal companion. We miss her kisses and cuddles every  [...]
Rusty - Aug 31, 2008
My beloved Rusty. I lost him on 08/29/08 and my heart is broken with grief. I miss the jingle of your collar, your smell and your happy face near mine. Max, Buffy and Lucky miss you as well and are looking for you my dear friend. Grammy misses you too. I only hope that I made your life a good  [...]
Hershey - Aug 30, 2008
On the Death of my Portuguese Water Dog Hershey

Saturday, 26th July 2008

My love, my beauty,

My angel boy,

May your spirit soar and be my guide

Through the desolate landscape

Of my grief.

The summer’s lost its lustre…

Sun, or  [...]
Cirrus - Aug 26, 2008
Cirrus was an orphaned street cat that chose us to be his human family. We “adopted” an emaciated 4-lb. lonesome little boy covered in dirt. What emerged a month later was a 9-lb. white foreign short-hair/cream Siamese with beautiful light blue eyes. He was a gorgeous cat with a loving heart and  [...]