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*Stories submitted before July 2008 can be found here.

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Sam - Jul 31, 2008

Sam was a gorgeous beagle with saddle back markings and big brown eyes that looked liked they were rimed with kohl, the kind of eyes that threatened to turn you into his slave whenever he looked at you. He was about a year old when I adopted him for my father,  [...]
Sassie - Jul 31, 2008
Sassie was born in September of 1995 in a barn stall with 2 littermates. Her life with a back yard breeder was lonely with little or no human contact. The breeder could not "sell" these 3 month old Beagles, that would run at the sight of humans, so shooting them was cheaper than feeding them. We  [...]
Khiya - Jul 31, 2008
as it were me,my husband and 2 year old daughter were tryin to find 2 kittens to bring into our family, im a HUGE cat lover. i really wanted 2 pure white kittens, and low and behold i get a call from an old friend that says she has a litter of kittens, ALL tabbys except 2 lil PURE WHITE KITTENS! i  [...]