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*Stories submitted before July 2008 can be found here.

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Henry - Sep 26, 2013
Hello, I have attached a picture of me with my dog Henry who passed away this summer. Dr. Diana Kuehn at Caring Hands Veterinary in Billings MT made a monetary donation to the Pet Memorial Program in remembrance of Henry. If you would post our picture on your website, it would be a nice lasting to  [...]
Friday - Sep 24, 2013
Friday was a very unique Jack Russell. Super smart with a mind of her own. 4 years ago she was diagnosed with a heart condition and was given 6 months to a year to live. 4 years plus later she has passed from something completely different.

Rest in Peace with Oreo Little Fri-Fri. and Miss  [...]
Bre' - Sep 23, 2013
My beloved Bre' died on Sept. 3rd, she had turned 16 years old on May 12. I feel I was blessed with her passing away at home next to me and my husband. Bre' was a very special dog to have survived so long, she had to have back surgery because she was paralyzed, she had to have surgery because was  [...]
Quigley - Sep 18, 2013
Drs. Mark Donovan and Ann Whereat of Northwest Veterinary Hospital in Seattle recently made a donation to WSU's College of Veterinary Medicine in memorial of our cat Quigley.

We are touched by their kindness and delighted that your professional school is the recipient of this gift.
Quincy - Sep 18, 2013
Today is the 12th anniversary of 9/11. This tragedy occurred in the same year that our yellow lab, Quincy, was born so I am always aware of how many years it has been since that tragic day. I remember exactly where I was when I watched on TV as the planes crashed into the twin towers. I also  [...]
Clancy - Sep 18, 2013
Clancy was my side kick, co pilot and best girl! She loved our boys (her babies as we referred to them), checking on them nightly and stealing a kiss or two. She loved to play ball, was always ready and waiting to go anywhere and everywhere with us, loved the beach, and we were so lucky to have  [...]
Hemi D. Cat - Sep 16, 2013
Hemi D Cat 2001-2013. We miss you friend. Best cat ever.

Melissa & Bj K.
Luna - Sep 16, 2013
Thanks so much for your lovely site to memorialize our beloved pets.

Kelli & Olly L.
Solas - Sep 16, 2013
Solas came into my life in April of 2008. She was a Siamese/Manx mix. To say that Solas was my Sun may be an understatement. Every night for 5 years she slept curled into me and if I went on vacation she would spend days telling me all about it. (Siamese love to talk) She loved to kill squishy  [...]
Carlos - Sep 16, 2013
No cat could rock a lap or a nap like Carlos. He was the most contented cat ever. A yellow tabby (my favorite!), he became one of our first pets (along with Blanca) when we moved into our first home in 2000. Friendly, stubby-tailed Carlos "chose us" on our visit to the local Humane Society, and he  [...]