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*Stories submitted before July 2008 can be found here.

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Daisy - Aug 07, 2017
Daisy was the sweetest dog - loving her family ( even the cats), walks on the trail, finding cool spots in the midst of the flower garden or in her dirt hole by the back deck. She is SO missed!!
Mango - Aug 07, 2017
This was our beautiful sheltie Mango.
She was such a good girl. She loved to go for walks, to go camping and all kinds of lunch meat. We will always love you Mango.
Milo - Aug 07, 2017
"Dogs leave a paw print on our hearts," I never understood this saying until I lost Milo. I always wanted a dog, so when I got an apartment of my own, I started the search. At the animal shelter when I passed by, he hardly made a sound as he jumped up and down on his hind legs, but he didn't need I  [...]
Luke - Aug 07, 2017
Luke was born on 2/26/13 two days before I lost my other springer, Buster, at 15 1/2 years of age.I wasn't looking for another dog, but the vet that had helped me with Buster called when he learned he had passed and told me that I should think about getting another dog. That night, I searched my  [...]
Gracee - Aug 07, 2017
Grace Alvarez

Lilly Alvarez

Sophie Alvarez
Archer - Aug 04, 2017
At the beach. One of Archer's happy places.
Sydney - Aug 03, 2017
Sydney Vicious Kinder was born on my 24th birthday - July 3, 1999. She was my first pet as an adult and she was my best friend and savior. I would not even be alive today if it wasn't for her. She was the sweetest kitty - even as she approached her 18th birthday and became a bit of a grouch. She a  [...]
Dexter - Aug 03, 2017
Dexter was a fighter (also slayer of seagulls, bringer of rodents dead & alive, stealer of warm seats, & demander of Greenies) but unfortunately last night he lost the fight with this infection. Chris & I are incredibly grateful that we got even the short amount of time we had with him. He changed  [...]
Isabella - Jul 31, 2017
Isabella (Izee) was our 10 year old Greyhound. I volunteered with a Greyhound rescue group in Oklahoma and we took in what they call and oops litter. Greyhound breeding is strictly monitored and meticulous records have to be kept however Izee's mother had puppies and the dad wasn't known so they be  [...]
Rail - Jul 28, 2017