College of Veterinary Medicine Home Pet Loss Hotline
College of Veterinary Medicine Home Pet Loss Hotline

Oedipus, you were pastel-coloured
With gentleman whiskers
You were always, 'looking sharp'.
A painter, performance artist, wrestler
……with paranoid delusions
You could pick up things with your hands, talk
and I'm sure you were half human.
You were small, petite with a huge heart (and appetite)
You even ate toast and pancakes but your favourite was fish.
You ate all the lizards in the garden too.
Always did you meet me half way for a pat
Some times I called you 'smarty-pants', 'piglet' or 'The Material Cat':
……you loved new toys.
You would follow me to the bus stop on my lonely mornings
You were your twin's 'big brother', though you were half his size
You washed his face
Never did I see you hiss
You only just turned two
Can I see your spotty belly again Oedipus.




In loving memory of Oedipus
1 Aug 99 - 7 Aug 01
Hit and run victim

Julie Soon
Ryde, Australia



posted September 4, 2001

Revised February 27, 2007     |     Printer Friendly Version



Revised July 6, 2006     |     Printer Friendly Version