College of Veterinary Medicine

In Memory of Our Beloved...



My vet, Dr. Rongren, from the Valley Vet Clinic in Spokane Valley, was kind enough to refer me to the WSU Pet Loss Hotline.  I am very grateful for your service.  My dog, Sam, passed away a week ago on Thursday, April 3, 2008 at the Valley Vet Clinic.  Sam was 14 years old.  In the last several months, cancer as well as old age made him weaker.  Sam was the first dog that I ever owned.  My ex-husband brought Sam home for me 13 years ago from the Spokane County Animal Shelter.  He was approximately one year old.  As an Australian Shepherd/Huskie mix, Sam was loyal, loveable but also very stubborn.  He always knew what he wanted and what he did not.  Sam was always in tune with me both emotionally and physically.  Several years ago, I had some minor surgery.  The medications from that surgery made me very sick.  While Sam did not bark very often, he did bark to make sure that my ex-husband was aware t hat I was sick from the medicine.  I miss Sam deeply.  My other dog, Borg (a Rotweiller mix) is also experiencing great loss and is grieving.  The added sadness of Sam's loss is the fact that he passed away exactly a week after my mother passed away.  I was out of town in another state attending to my mother's funeral.  I believe that Sam waited until I returned. I appreciate the opportunity to tell Sam's story. 

Louise S.

Pet Loss Hotline,  PO Box 647060 , Washington State University, Pullman WA 99164-7060, 509-335-5704, Contact Us   Safety Links