College of Veterinary Medicine

In Memory of Our Beloved...



I said good-bye to my Little Angel this morning at approx. 12 noon. I held her in my arms and told her how much she meant to me, and how much I loved her. Then the Vet. gave her a shot and she was gone....I have a very heavy heart, but she will be a part of my memory forever. She taught me many things while she was with me, and I rejoice in her life. I will miss her intensely.   I am sad, and it hurts, but she will all ways be my Little sweetie-pie and sweet pea. I miss her so much, but she left me weeks ago, when she became ill. Her small little body just shut down, and her organs stopped working.   I have a heavy heart today, but she filled me with so much joy, while she was with me.

Good-bye my sweet angel...I will always love you.    

Phyllis K.

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