College of Veterinary Medicine

In Memory of Our Beloved...



Swizzle joined our family nearly 20 years ago.  She was a young cat whom we'd noticed hanging around in the street near a neighbor's house for several days. It turned out that she was a stray, a very skinny and pregnant one.  Her tail was amazingly long and slender, like a swizzle stick.
We had a large household of former strays in those days, and once we added Swizzle to our family, she set out to establish with the other cats that she was not to be toyed with. She did this by hissing loudly upon entering any room.  Her technique reminded me of a soldier tossing a grenade to clear out an enemy foxhole.  Fortunately, as she got older, Swizzle was able to relax a bit more. She had established herself as the matriarch, to be respected by all others. 
I adored my precious Swizzle. She had such a strong and steady spirit. There was depth and calm and innocence in her eyes, and her face was very pretty, with velvety black ears filled with soft white fur. Her appetite was hearty (she topped out at 15 or 16 pounds before we started her on a diet), and she purred easily and loudly.   She had good manners, too -- we could also always count on her to use the scratching post and litter box!
Swizzle's last years were a final testament to her character.  She beat the odds and lived for several years after being diagnosed with failing kidneys and a thyroid problem.  Wonderful care by Dr. Palena and the staff at Mountain View, and Swizzle's unsinkable spirit, carried her somewhere close to her 20th birthday. Despite increasing frailty toward the end, Swizzle would follow me around from room to room, and would start each bedtime beside me, purring steadily.  I loved her with all my heart, and though I know she had an exceptionally long life, it's hard to accept the fact that her time here with us had to end.
We give our heartfelt thanks to Mountain View Veterinary Hospital for their skillful, tender care of Swizzle, and for donating to the WSU program in Swizzle's memory. 

Sheri F. and Don C.




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