College of Veterinary Medicine

In Memory of Our Beloved...



In memory of my beloved Mars

 April 12, 2005 - May 9, 2008.
He was only with us for 3 short years, but he touched my life greatly.  He was such a sweet cat, he asked so little but gave so much back.  I miss petting his soft fur and burying my face in it.  I miss him sleeping on my back at night.  Perhaps the worst part about losing my little guy is coming home from work and seeing only one cat in the window waiting for me instead of two.  The void in my life that his absence created has been the hardest part of losing him.
Sadly, toward the end he lost a lot of weight and stopped eating and drinking.  I found out his liver and kidney had failed and when it was found that he was just getting worse, I had to put him to sleep.  It's so hard when they are so young.  I wish I could say I got 10+ years with him, but that's not the case. 
Peace to you Mars man, you will be missed.
Greg P.





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