College of Veterinary Medicine

In Memory of Our Beloved...



This is our big, beautiful boy – Hooch (or Hoochie-mama, as he liked to be called).  We enjoyed and loved him for 4 ½ years.  He started out as a ‘shop’ dog, travelling from client office to client office…until he outgrew the ‘underside’ of the desk.  He loved walking down Front Street in Poulsbo in his ‘metro sexual’ feather boa, and greeting visitors while licking the foam from the proverbial latte enjoyed at the local coffee shop.   People especially enjoyed watching Hooch sit on our lap with his back fee in the air – almost causing accidents from auto passerby’s.
In his memory we planted an apple tree in our yard that will be big and beautiful some day just like Hooch.

Amy S, Colleen H, Cashew and Hershey too!


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