College of Veterinary Medicine

In Memory of Our Beloved...



Brooke was the most remarkable thing that ever blessed my life.  She was so loving, and her unconditional spirit made my days something everyone should experience at least once in a life time.  Brooke changed the lives of many by her spirit and unconditional love.  Not only did Brooke bless my life, she brought two very
dear and special people into my world.........through Brooke I found new meaning in what true love really is and what is most important in this life we all live. Even though Brooke's life was short she touched so many and made my world a happier place. She was my shadow.  I will never forget her nor what she and I shared.  It was something rare and very special. I want to say a special Thank you to Rod and Ray for opening the door to an experience that changed my life when they sold Brooke to me, and a special thanks to everyone who sent words of love and support after hearing of Brooke's passing. She will never be forgotten or far from any of our hearts.  I will always love you Brooke and I miss you so much.








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