College of Veterinary Medicine

In Memory of Our Beloved...



Ben was born in August of 1996 and came to our family in March 1999. It was clear almost immediately that he was put on this Earth to be a therapy dog. After going through training, we aced the Delta Society certification level - the evaluator pulled me aside and told me, "take good care of Ben, he is a very special dog." Many, many times (more than I could possibly count), Ben proved that the evaluator spoke the truth. He brought countless smiles to people in hospitals and nursing homes during his career. It was at the Children's Hospital in Seattle that he shined the brightest. From the smallest toddler all the way to the oldest teens, he happily greeted everyone and shared his gift. Patients and staff alike took Ben to their hearts - some of the children hand-made cards for Ben, the nurses would bring him treats, the doctors would give him pets and hugs. The joy that Ben brought to the halls there cannot be measured. When he wasn't "working," Ben enjoyed things most any Labrador does - swimming, chasing tennis balls and eating just about anything that was even partially edible! He left us in late May of 2008 and awaits me at The Rainbow Bridge. The world has never known a kinder, more loving soul; I miss him terribly.

Bob S.






















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