College of Veterinary Medicine Home Pet Loss Hotline
  Laddie Girl

Laddie Girl, a sweet natured rough collie named of course for the book "a collie named lad." She had a wonderful 10 yrs before loosing her battle with bone cancer. She proved a great watch dog early on by alerting us to a car break in when she was just 6 mo. old. She had advanced obedience training and quickly mastered agility moving up to advanced level just for the fun of it. She took her job of protector seriously and never left our daughter's side during 4 surgeries growing up and then again when she had radiation treatment. Laddie patiently assisted in raising daughters, other collies, bunnies and was given a cat for her own companion when she grew lonely. She loved boat trips, ski trips and fall leaves in the yard. There is none to compare. Much loved, greatly missed. 1986-2006

Laddie Girl
Revised Dec. 15, 2006     |     Printer Friendly Version