College of Veterinary Medicine Home Pet Loss Hotline

Domino came to us as a 6-month old stray in February 1995. We weren’t sure at the time if we wanted a cat; but, after having her for a week, we decided to keep her. We were having a problem with field mice getting into our house (and eating our Hershey's Kisses and Reeses Peanut Butter Cups of all things), and she immediately solved that problem and kept those mice at bay for the entire 11-1/2 years that we had her.


  As her name implies, Domino was black and white–the blackest black and the whitest white–a truly beautiful cat. However, she was also an extremely intelligent alpha cat, which meant she was convinced she was the queen of everything, and she made sure we knew it! She could be overbearing, obnoxious, stubborn, persistent and insistent in her wants and needs, single-minded, and loving; and, most of the time she was the first six, then loving when she felt like it. She wanted to go in and out of the house at least 1,000 times a day (especially if it was raining), which meant one of us had to open the door for her each time (then we had to dry her and her muddy feet off each time she came back in if it was raining, about which she complained bitterly). It reminded us of those tee shirts that say: “Agenda for the Day:” Let the cat in; let the cat out; let the cat in; let the cat out, let the cat in.” She also demanded to eat whenever she felt like it and there was no talking her out of it. She would absolutely drive you stark raving mad until you finally gave in and gave her what she wanted. It was that overeating that eventually led to her getting abdominal cancer. We were forced to put her down on July 10, 2006–the hardest thing we’ve ever had to do.

When you have a cat for almost 12 years, they become a much beloved part of the family, as well as a constant presence in your house and yard. Still today, 3-1/2 months later, we miss her terribly and expect her to come running into the house each time the door is opened. If we came home late in the evening, she would always be in the garage and would run out to greet us as soon as the garage door opened. Domino wasn’t a cuddly cat. She was as round and hard as a weaner pig and hated to be picked up. When you did manage to pick her up, it felt as though she may pop. She did love to be petted, however, as long as you didn’t pick her up. And, occasionally, she would even sit on our laps.

Fortunately for us, we have another old cat who also came to us as a stray 5-1/2 years
ago–Mr. Brown. Domino never accepted Mr. Brown so he spent most of his days under our bed. The good news is that Mr. Brown has blossomed since Domino’s death and his true personality is now allowed to shine forth. Now he goes under the bed only when strangers arrive at our house. He now purrs out loud and even rolls over and lets us rub his belly, which he never did when Domino was alive and in charge. He also has full run of the house and gets to lay in the warmest spot--in front of our natural gas free-standing stove-- without having to deal with Domino for that space.

Domino, we loved you very much, pretty girl, and we’ll never, ever forget you. Thanks for being such a good hunter and keeping all those mice out of the pantry. Mr. Brown will not be able to fill your shoes in that department.

From Your loving Mom and Dad
Revised Nov. 3, 2006     |     Printer Friendly Version