College of Veterinary Medicine Home Pet Loss Hotline

Brandy was born in Apr 1988 in East L.A. Barrio. I was helping a chef prepare some food when his daughter's cat gave birth. Twelve weeks later, Brandy seen here was in my house. As I didn't have any cat food, his first food was some rack of lamb that I brought home from a Hollywood event. For the next 15 years, in Hollywood, Brandy ate mostly people food in the form of poached salmon, prime rib and his favorite was tritip roast with Cajon seasoning. He was never ill.

I left Hollywood and moved to Oregon and for the next 3 years he did great; but as age gets us he developed a growth on his salivary gland and the time came to put him down. Yes, his last meal was tritip, medium rare. We shared it.

Revised Sept. 1, 2006     |     Printer Friendly Version