College of Veterinary Medicine Home Pet Loss Hotline

Maggie came into our lives when she was 8 years old, in 1998. We instantly fell in love with her and her unique appearance...Boston Terrier/Chihuahua mix. She was so sweet and had the energy of a puppy. Much later it was discovered she had a heart murmur. She fought a strong fight. It was SO hard, but finally we had to say goodbye on July 21, 2006, when she was 16 years old.

I tried everything to keep you a little longer, but it was not to be. Your little heart just could not do the work it should. I miss the little dance you did when you saw me coming up the front steps. I miss the way you would run, as fast as your little legs would carry you when you had me in your sight. Maggie, you are gone, but NEVER forgotten. You will be in our hearts forever.

Revised Dec. 15, 2006     |     Printer Friendly Version