College of Veterinary Medicine Home Pet Loss Hotline
  Wiley August, 1998- May 18, 2005

Wiley & Maxx

Wiley & Maxx

We got Wiley August 22, 2004. He was only six years old but he looked and acted much older. The family he lived with before us did not take good care of him. His claws were so long it was hard for him to walk, the tips of his ears had been eaten off by flies, his fur was matted and tangled, his teeth were were broken and chipped, and he didn't know how to do anything. We weren't too sure about getting him because of the way he looked, but there was just something about him.

All the way home he barked at every single car that passed. Maxx, who wasn't too sure about him either at first, looked like he wanted to tackle him to the ground just to shut him up. Although, the first thing they did when we got home was get a drink out of the bucket together. They did get into fights many times. One was so bad that Wiley had to have stitches in his ear. In my opinion they were good friends, they just didn't want each other knowing.

Wiley was very afraid of us at first. He would whimper when we tried to pet him, and would run the opposite direction when we called him. Every day from day one we played with him, brushed him, and worked very hard to train him to do things as small as to wag his tail. I started to teach him to shake right away. It took seven months, but he eventually learned. He also learned to walk on a leash, sit, stay, come when we call him, lie down, and, the thing I am most proud of, to play tug-of-war. He would only play it with his favorite stick though, and it was on his time.

Barely a month after we got him, we moved from Southern California to Montana. All 1150 miles they both came in the back of the truck together. Only about two hours from our destination did he decide to stop barking.

In April, we had to take Wiley to the vet because he wasn't eating as much, was throwing up alot, and didn't relief himself as much as he should've. He was fine after that. The funny part is, after his temperature taken, he became very happy and active. he was okay for another month, then he stopped eating again. He wouldn't eat for three days, so we took him to the vet again. We have a diesel engine and he would get real excited when he heard it. He ran as fast as he could to the truck, but when he got there he collapsed and went into a seizure. My dad, brother and I lifted him into the truck and took the 10-15 minute drive to the vet. Seven minutes away he started breathing really rapidly. Five minutes away, the breathing stopped completely. When we got there they tried everything but it was too late.

Just a few days after he died I made a photo album with his best pictures in it. We also have a lovely wooden box with his ashes in it above our fireplace. I look at both of those every day. Wiley became my best friend and I'll never forget how happy he made me feel.

Just a few hours after Wiley died we saw a rainbow. The next day, there was a photo of that rainbow in the newspaper that we cut out and put above Wiley's picture. A few days later we got a card in the mail from the vet and it was about rainbow bridge. Exactly a month after he died we took Maxx and went for a drive. We counted all the rainbows we saw that day and it was over twenty. How ironic.


Posted June 20, 2005  |     Printer Friendly Version