College of Veterinary Medicine Home Pet Loss Hotline

Pepe was only seven years and two months when he died. He was a Persian mix with beautiful bright blue crossed eyes and red flame tint ears, nose and tail. He had intestinal cancer and passed away on July 18, 2002.

He was only three months old when we got him, and introduced him to our already one year old cat, Pumpkin. They became friends and enjoyed each other's company.

Pepe always lean up against an object, while crossing his front paws….we always said he looked like a Prince. We named him Pepe, like the cartoon skunk Pepe Le Pew, because he would always shake his tail like a skink as if her was going to spray. It was his funny little mannerism.

He also loved to play with balls and little toy mice, and would retrieve them like a dog. He would always sit in the clothesbasket and fall asleep. The funniest thing he did was play with my husband's legs….he would play bit and attack them--nicely. He was such a great cat, with a darling personality. But mostly, Pepe loved the backyard. He loved lying by our flowerpots and statues. He always loved his afternoon catnaps. He had his favorite bush-that was like a cave that he started sleeping in. He always looked so peaceful there. That is where he was the happiest, in that spot. He was always there for us and I feel we were always there for him.
This past March, Pepe was not feeling well and we brought him to the vet. That is where it all started. We thought he had gotten better, but then some time went by and then it came back and was worse. We tried medication, had some good days, but most were bad. His system started shutting down and the last few days, he was suffering….We had to let go, but it was the hardest decision of our lives. We will forever love you, Pepe. We miss you so much. Things just aren't the same without you. You brought sunshine to our lives….and you always will. We are so sorry you got cancer. We tried everything to save you--you know we did. We did not want to see you suffer any more. Life is not fair. You were too young. We know you are now at peace and hopefully playing with other animals in Rainbow Bridge Heaven. You will have no more pain, forever. We believe we will see you again…one day. We will think of you everyday for the rest of our lives. You are the BEST KITTY!

Our Love and Prayers Always,
Kerry, Tony & Baby Noah

Revised March 13, 2007     |     Printer Friendly Version