College of Veterinary Medicine Home Pet Loss Hotline

Max was a 10 yr. old orange tabby - found up a tree at the local shelter, he came into Nemo's and my life with energy, love. His whole life was measured in one word, affection. He was adorable, kind, loving and playful. Talkative, and vocal he would constantly ask questions with the tone of a hook after each expression.

He was a constant pal to Nemo, chasing and playing with him, even when Nemo was spent by his presence. Max from day one, curled under the covers, and would sleep with me - every night of his life. He would hop in joy at seeing me, with two paws up in greeting. Max enjoyed all food and would be bold enough to eat the cracker out of your hand and mouth! I have never met a cat so full of love and affection, his sole mode of life was to be loved and to love back.

  Max developed a severe breathing disorder, in the past three days he was suffering from an acute lack of oxegen. The vet went back and forth, from asthma to heart failure, finally concluding with throat cancer. It was rapid, difficult and extremely sad after the loss of Nemo just a few weeks prior. Max was put to rest on 11 May 2005 at 6:30 pm.

Max would follow Nemo everywhere. If Nemo went into the bathtub for the few remainder drops of water, Max would be right behind. I can only hope and pray that somewhere Max has found Nemo again and is following him still. Max was adored, well loved and his life will be sadly missed.

Posted May 13, 2005  |     Printer Friendly Version