College of Veterinary Medicine Home Pet Loss Hotline

Louie was a character, he loved apples and for years I shared an apple with him at lunchtime.  He also didn’t mind being touched or patted while he ate.  Our other bulldogs would tear your head off if you went near their food while they were eating.

Louie was very trusting.  He would sleep in a doorway and expect you to gingerly step over and around him without disturbing his relaxation.  Louie loved what we called “Louie’s bus,” a small RV he would crash around, bouncing off the walls, if we were under way.  I used to enjoy watching him gallop across the parking lot after doing his business.


We miss him and will for a long time as he was our best friend.

Thank you for caring for him during the rehab time after his surgery-most vets can’t do that, and it helped us a lot.

Bill and Sally

Posted Oct. 18,  2005  |     Printer Friendly Version