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*Stories submitted before July 2008 can be found here.

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Titan - May 12, 2021
Titan was a Big Lover & called the Gentle giant. He liked to swim with his brother in our pool .He loved his stuffed animals & would aways greeted you with one. He was even afraid of little dogs and him being 125 pounds, it seemed silly, He was the best who would never leave the yard, you could  [...]
Theo - May 11, 2021
Energetic. Sly. Sweet. Those are Theo's character traits. For my 47th birthday, Ed gifted me with Theo. Perhaps I was dealing with the need for comfort and a semblance of routine when we picked him out. Theo was a pandemic pup--an impulsive and maternal urge that my husband understood. He was He  [...]
Clancy - May 10, 2021
Sir Clancy: 1989-2021
Sir Clancy was a 16.2, 1200-pound, dark bay thoroughbred with a white blaze and 1 white sock of the build sometimes referred to as the “old school thoroughbred”: burlier and more robust than recent horses. The first thing one noticed about Clancy was that he was extremely And  [...]
Lucy - May 04, 2021
Lucy, our beloved Havanese, came into our lives when she was 8 weeks old. Full of spunk and very eager to learn, she quickly caught on to several tricks — shaking your hand, dancing, rolling over, keeping a treat on her muzzle until given the official “okay” to eat, as well as ringing the bell to go  [...]
Edgar von Poophandle - May 03, 2021
We had to say goodbye to our sweet little boy, Edgar von Poophandle, on April 14, 2021. We suspect he might have had a stroke in the middle of the night. He was very fidgety all night and when he tried to walk this morning, he had obvious weakness in his rear legs, walked in circles, and fell a  [...]
Nikka - May 03, 2021
Nikka was a rescued black lab who we trained as a program support animal for veteran suicide prevention programs. Over the course of her long life she touched thousands of warrior's lives and was part of saving many of them. She was the most empathetic animal we have ever had. Till Valhalla,  [...]
Digger - Apr 27, 2021
Digger was our baby and child and teenager when our children left home. For fourteen years he brought us so much delight and happiness. So smart. So talented. So loving. So missed.
Tweak - Apr 26, 2021
In 2013 Tweak came to me after being rescued by two dancers with Pacific Northwest Ballet. Their neighbor was sending her to the pound...I heard about her, they sent her picture and I was charmed. She was a wonderful, funny, loving little being who basically 'rescued' me. She died in November 2020.  [...]
Lucy - Apr 23, 2021
My husband and I had the great fortune of sharing life with Lucy for 14 years. She was a birthday present to me from my husband and was without a doubt the happiest dog I've ever known, filled with spunk and sunshine. She loved life on our farm, rolling in the grass, walking the trails, riding in  [...]
Frankie - Apr 21, 2021
I met Frankie and his brothers when they were feral alley kittens living behind my house. Humanely trapping them and their momma wasn’t something I ever expected to do, but am so thankful to have experienced. Their mom was TNR and is still cared for by a neighbor. Frankie and his siblings were all  [...]