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*Stories submitted before July 2008 can be found here.

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Kova - Nov 16, 2013
Kova, you came into our house and lives as a hyperactive and über-energetic pup with a fluffy tail and oversized paws. Ever bouncy and always friendly, you grew into a pretty girl with a real bark. The dog shelter called you "la diavoletta", the little devil. That you were. A good hearted one. on  [...]
Cameo - Nov 15, 2013
Merlot 7.13.13

We were lucky enough to have Merlot in our lives for almost 13 yrs. when he passed on 7.13.13. He was the best little poodle that anyone could have ever had. I am truly humbled that Yakima Valley Veterinary Clinic made this donation to honor and remember Merlot. It is only  [...]
Merlot - Nov 15, 2013
Merlot 7.13.13

We were lucky enough to have Merlot in our lives for almost 13 yrs. when he passed on 7.13.13. He was the best little poodle that anyone could have ever had. I am truly humbled that Yakima Valley Veterinary Clinic made this donation to honor and remember Merlot. It is only  [...]
Ward - Nov 15, 2013
I picked him to become my partner in Search and Rescue K-9. Named him Ward after looking for a name that would fit with his duties when he grew up as protector of the incident. From six weeks old till fives years old he was taught to track down and locate lost humans. At Five years old he started  [...]
Aspen - Nov 14, 2013
We found him on our back porch inside a six foot chain link fence that was padlocked. We still do not know how he got there. I told my wife not to get attached. We did not have permission to have a dog there from the landlord. We tried to find his owner by posting an ad in the paper and putting up  [...]
Taylor - Nov 12, 2013
BearBrand's Taylor'D To Perfect'N

8-13-13 Our sweet Taylor was takin from us way to soon at 10.5yrs old from Bloat. She was one of the soundest Akita's we have ever owned. She retired early from the show ring as she did not care for it, She gave us one healthy litter of 11 puppies. Passing her  [...]
Sister - Nov 08, 2013
Our dear Sister, we will always miss you, yet be comforted by memories of your happy life and extreme loyalty to all of us in our family for almost 19 years! We loved your smiling face!

Sister’s given name was Belle, but she soon acquired the nickname Sister, or Sissy, because she came to  [...]
Penny - Nov 08, 2013
My sister & I were getting ready to move out on our own; who will keep Mom company when we’re gone? The only solution was a DOG! Mom wanted a cocker spaniel: one that would come up to her. We found a breeder who had a litter ready to go; so mom sat down on the grass and soon this sweet little  [...]
Cody - Nov 07, 2013

Noreene K.
Bonnie - Nov 07, 2013
Bonnie Fife was born Sept. 2, 2000 and passed away Oct. 6, 2013 of breast cancer. She battled mammary tumors for 2 years before she passed away. She was born deaf and I've never had such a calm, loving dog as Bonnie. I hope we can be together again in the afterlife. Thank you very S.  [...]