A donation was made in memory of Max on
Dec 04, 2013.
We were blessed to have Max in our family for over 17 years. His fun loving nature quickly found a warm spot in our hearts. Even though Max was our youngest sons' dog, he was a big part of our family.
As a young dog, Max was quick to learn that bedtime meant going into his kennel, which he obviously didn't like, he would rather sleep on the bed with our son. He would run all the way from Brian's room to our room and hide under the middle of our king sized bed, where we would have to go fishing for him until we could get him out. This worked for awhile until Max got to big and got stuck.
At an older age, he became very found of Randi our female English Setter, but Randi was a much older lady and was having a hard time seeing. Max became her "seeing eye dog" and would help her navigate the yard, by gently nudging her in the direction that would keep her safe from bumping into trees, fences and the deck.
The day we had to take him to his last vet visit, I submitted the picture of Max with his "bone" , (it looked like he was smoking a cigar) to Pet of The Week on Facebook and he was actually chosen the day we had to say good-bye to our dear friend.....what a fitting tribute to a wonderful dog.
We love you Max and will miss you very much and you will always be a part of our lives.