A donation was made in memory of KC by Melissa Tucker on Sep 27, 2011.

KC came into my life when she was 8 weeks old. She quickly became my best friend and my shadow. She went everywhere with me for the next 8 years, she sat outside the shower on the floor and waited for me till I was done. She slept beside me everynight under the covers.

A few months ago when we did blood work before a dental her blood work came back with some bad results. My vet for the longest time couldnt figure out why her blood wasnt clotting. After a few more weeks and sending blood work to labs she decided to put her on steroids. We started them on Friday before labor day. By Saturday she had gotten really sick and started passing some blood in her urine.

I had to meet my vet again Monday because KC was throwing up and passing lots of blood and my vet said to get her to pullman or put her to sleep.

Pullman is a 4 hour drive for me and my vet said it was going to be a large investment to get her treatment but KC is a child to me the only child I had and I didnt care what it took. We got to Pullman at 10 pm labor day night and they had a blood transfusion done with in minutes of getting there.

Her prognoses wasnt good from the get go, she had very little going for her and driving home leaving her there knowing she would probably never come home was the hardest thing I have ever done.

She fought long and hard for a week had ups and downs. We went back to see her the following Saturday and she actually seemed excited to see me. We got her to eat a little and even speak.

I had to leave her again and found out that sunday night that the bleeding was still getting worse and now was in her lungs. We made the decision late sunday night to put her to sleep. It was the hardest week of my entire life and I will never get over KC and she will always be the most special dog I have ever had.

The Doctors and staff at WSU gave her the only chance she had and they tried their best to save her.

I can be confident that I gave her all the care I could have and never regret the gamble I took by trying to save her.

Lacy S.

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