A donation was made in memory of Cody by
Kevin Choy on
Jul 19, 2012.
Cody was an amazing dog in so many ways. He loved swimming after sticks and could hold up to 4 in his mouth at one time. His other great passion was catching and chasing orange hockey balls. He would always have 2 in his mouth. We would lose about 60 or so in the winter but in the spring when the snow started to melt, orange balls would pop out like Easter eggs. Cody's most enjoyable pastime, however, was playing hockey. Cody was the goalie and more often than not, he would catch the balls at which time Jerry would yell 'Great save Kuango'! We will never forget the intense expression on Cody's face and the serious focus he had on the ball. During his life, Cody has had many hikes, walks, swims and adventures. He has gone snowshoeing, skiing, touring and biking with us and has seen the tops of most of the mountains in our area. Every Jan. 22, we would celebrate his birthday and on his last birthday, we had a big party and invited all our friends and their dogs. Cody wasn't just part of our life, he was our life in many ways. He even slept on our bed and in his later years we built stairs so he could continue to do this. Cody was diagnosed with bone cancer last July and was given 4 to 6 months but he lasted over a year. Cody passed away Thursday, July 19, 2012. He was 13 1/2. We are extremely grateful to everyone at W.S.U. who assisted in extending Cody's life well beyond expectations, in particular Dr. Kevin Choy who always responded to our emails, giving us advice and suggestions which prolonged Cody's life and our time with him.
Cody was the love of our life and we miss him so much!