A donation was made in memory of Sadie on Sep 07, 2011.
Additional donations made in Sadie's name
Jessica Dwyer – 9/20/2011
Comments: Well it's taken me a few weeks to post this one. Sadie is a special special girl! She was my 4th client ever! For the first year in biz I did a ton of overnights with her and it was such a pleasure! As the biz expanded Rebecca Kasik and Amber Calvo got to share in the joy of spending time with Sadie. My favorite story is when we went on our first walk. She took me through the woods, to a park, back in the woods, I had no idea where we were. I was looking on my phone hoping we would fine our way home. She looked at me and said "Jessica, I got this" Sure enough she knew where we were going :) She always took me for the walks. I love you Sadie! Thank you for all of your joy and happiness! Love - Jessica