Lady Liberty (Libby)
A donation was made in memory of Lady Liberty (Libby) on Feb 23, 2015.
Libby came into our lives in 2004/5 through a fate that saved her life and gave us many years of love and enjoyment. The day she was to be "put down" at King County Animal Shelter was the day she came home with me. In the nick of time she was liberated (thus Lady Liberty). We rescued 2 adult cats(cause everyone wants kittens, and we thought she needed a friend)
The 2 of them never saw eye to eye but with a big house and plenty of love and room life was good. The first few years she would get sick and have to do meds, but she seemed to outgrow this and she flourished! I always called her "the Great Garbo", because she always wanted to "be alone"!
It seems she was a stray from either being abused or left behind and in a short time she knew she became an integral part of our family.
She was a fighter, little kitty in stature but a real heavyweight when it came to survival.
Years past and when she wanted love she was in your face and when she wasn't in the mood, off she went with a flick of her fluffy tail to her own private room to bask in the sun or nap on her couch. She loved her privacy.
A couple of years ago, Shadow ( her "friendly fire" sidekick) started having problems with upset tummy. She was diagnosed with IBD. Shadow was put on meds. Libby always seemed to be impervious to disorders, illnesses .etc
Shadow went through lots of stuff. From having an insane thyroid out of control which led to a radioactive injection to UTIs, and this and that. Shadow went in for an ultra sound and she was diagnosed with the IBD. Libby just kept on her merry way.
We always weighed the girls at home on a monthly basis. When Libby got on the scale one day she had went from 8lbs to 3!!!!!!!!!
Rushed her to the vets and when they weighed her she was still 8 lbs!! Seems John switched from pounds to kilograms!! That was the start of a voyage that no one should be put through or witness.
We decided to have an ultrasound since she was already there and ..................that's when her mass on her pancreas was found. Had he not made the error, we would have never known, and lost the precious time we had left.
2/28/2014 surgery was performed and 3/8/2014 was to be the start of chemo and a living hell for a little kitty and 2 loving "biker" parents!
Prognosis was guarded but we are not naive, so extensive research on both our parts was done to find out about this killer called Pancreatic Cancer. Many humans die from it but we kept the faith. 4 months of vicious chemo, weight loss and seeing a ball of fluff dwindle to a skinny little creature who had such a strong will to fight.
4th of July the fireworks scared her so badly, she never returned to her rec room. The strange thing is that this was the quietest part of the house. We moved her bed and things upstairs to the living room and made her a little "haven" so she would feel safer. Fireworks are illegal but who could tell? It was the worst year ever!! My heart just broke for all the animals that must go through this while the ignorant and thoughtless humans pretend they are 12 again!
Another ultra sound was done and ......................the cancer was back. We knew it was time for her to enjoy what life was remaining and give as much love and dedication to her as was inside our hearts. She had a UTI and remained on meds for almost 6 weeks. Another culture showed she was infection free! She seemed to get better.
We knew from Dr Gillings that with chemo it would be "AMAZING” to reach 6 more months and without ..................well
About 10 days ago, around September 1st, we noticed her acting different, not eating, just staring and no ear twitching or facial movements, just staring into space. Would not eat or sleep.
John (bless his heart) researched and found that without much of a pancreas there were certain enzymes missing. I had to start cleaning her up and she became very listless. We did a face to face consult with our vet Dr Virgin, and she said let's try some enzymes along with B-12 shots. We would do anything to make her life better.
On Monday September 22, I fed her the enzyme mixed with food and warm water and gave her the B-12 shot. She walked over to her bed and went right to sleep!! It was wonderful to see her sleep so soundly. Tuesday was the same and so was Wednesday morning.
September 24 2014 I drove in the driveway and John came out crying and all I could do was yell" NO! NO! NO!!I I tried to run into the house but he had already lovingly wrapped her in her favorite blanket and I unwrapped her and she was all comfy looking and almost asleep kitty was gone. John found her in her bed looking so peaceful that he didn't realize that she had left us.................
Thank you all for your kindness and loving care. Dr Gillings you gave it your best and together you and Libby fought the good fight. We will forever be grateful to you. Rachel and Michelle we love you and all you did for our "little nutbar". Always stay as kind and caring as you are. And to the rest of you wonderful ladies who always had smiles and always were kind. We thank you.
To all the girls at Sacajawea, we thank you for caring.
And finally to our beloved Dr Virgin who had the insight and knowledge to take Libby down the right path that would keep her with us for many more months than we might have had.
Funny thing.....................We prayed to God to please let her pass in the comfort of her home and just go "night night" and it was a blessing to know................. he heard us.............................
Dawn G. and John S.
Libby came into our lives in 2004/5 through a fate that saved her life and gave us many years of love and enjoyment. The day she was to be "put down" at King County Animal Shelter was the day she came home with me. In the nick of time she was liberated (thus Lady Liberty). We rescued 2 adult cats(cause everyone wants kittens, and we thought she needed a friend)
The 2 of them never saw eye to eye but with a big house and plenty of love and room life was good. The first few years she would get sick and have to do meds, but she seemed to outgrow this and she flourished! I always called her "the Great Garbo", because she always wanted to "be alone"!
It seems she was a stray from either being abused or left behind and in a short time she knew she became an integral part of our family.
She was a fighter, little kitty in stature but a real heavyweight when it came to survival.
Years past and when she wanted love she was in your face and when she wasn't in the mood, off she went with a flick of her fluffy tail to her own private room to bask in the sun or nap on her couch. She loved her privacy.
A couple of years ago, Shadow ( her "friendly fire" sidekick) started having problems with upset tummy. She was diagnosed with IBD. Shadow was put on meds. Libby always seemed to be impervious to disorders, illnesses .etc
Shadow went through lots of stuff. From having an insane thyroid out of control which led to a radioactive injection to UTIs, and this and that. Shadow went in for an ultra sound and she was diagnosed with the IBD. Libby just kept on her merry way.
We always weighed the girls at home on a monthly basis. When Libby got on the scale one day she had went from 8lbs to 3!!!!!!!!!
Rushed her to the vets and when they weighed her she was still 8 lbs!! Seems John switched from pounds to kilograms!! That was the start of a voyage that no one should be put through or witness.
We decided to have an ultrasound since she was already there and ..................that's when her mass on her pancreas was found. Had he not made the error, we would have never known, and lost the precious time we had left.
2/28/2014 surgery was performed and 3/8/2014 was to be the start of chemo and a living hell for a little kitty and 2 loving "biker" parents!
Prognosis was guarded but we are not naive, so extensive research on both our parts was done to find out about this killer called Pancreatic Cancer. Many humans die from it but we kept the faith. 4 months of vicious chemo, weight loss and seeing a ball of fluff dwindle to a skinny little creature who had such a strong will to fight.
4th of July the fireworks scared her so badly, she never returned to her rec room. The strange thing is that this was the quietest part of the house. We moved her bed and things upstairs to the living room and made her a little "haven" so she would feel safer. Fireworks are illegal but who could tell? It was the worst year ever!! My heart just broke for all the animals that must go through this while the ignorant and thoughtless humans pretend they are 12 again!
Another ultra sound was done and ......................the cancer was back. We knew it was time for her to enjoy what life was remaining and give as much love and dedication to her as was inside our hearts. She had a UTI and remained on meds for almost 6 weeks. Another culture showed she was infection free! She seemed to get better.
We knew from Dr Gillings that with chemo it would be "AMAZING” to reach 6 more months and without ..................well
About 10 days ago, around September 1st, we noticed her acting different, not eating, just staring and no ear twitching or facial movements, just staring into space. Would not eat or sleep.
John (bless his heart) researched and found that without much of a pancreas there were certain enzymes missing. I had to start cleaning her up and she became very listless. We did a face to face consult with our vet Dr Virgin, and she said let's try some enzymes along with B-12 shots. We would do anything to make her life better.
On Monday September 22, I fed her the enzyme mixed with food and warm water and gave her the B-12 shot. She walked over to her bed and went right to sleep!! It was wonderful to see her sleep so soundly. Tuesday was the same and so was Wednesday morning.
September 24 2014 I drove in the driveway and John came out crying and all I could do was yell" NO! NO! NO!!I I tried to run into the house but he had already lovingly wrapped her in her favorite blanket and I unwrapped her and she was all comfy looking and almost asleep kitty was gone. John found her in her bed looking so peaceful that he didn't realize that she had left us.................
Thank you all for your kindness and loving care. Dr Gillings you gave it your best and together you and Libby fought the good fight. We will forever be grateful to you. Rachel and Michelle we love you and all you did for our "little nutbar". Always stay as kind and caring as you are. And to the rest of you wonderful ladies who always had smiles and always were kind. We thank you.
To all the girls at Sacajawea, we thank you for caring.
And finally to our beloved Dr Virgin who had the insight and knowledge to take Libby down the right path that would keep her with us for many more months than we might have had.
Funny thing.....................We prayed to God to please let her pass in the comfort of her home and just go "night night" and it was a blessing to know................. he heard us.............................
Dawn G. and John S.