A donation was made in memory of Shadow by
Doctors and Staff of the Stuart Animal Hospital on
Jan 24, 2013.
I got Shadow when he was six weeks old, and I had him for 15 wonderful years. I took very good care of him. He was so loving and caring. When my first husband passed away, Shadow comforted me. For the many years that I took care of my first husband, Shadow did things that made me love him more and more. He would hit the bottom of the bed telling us that he was getting on the bed. He would get on top of my stomach and put his paws on my shoulder and massage it. He knew I was depressed at times and would look at me sad. Often when I looked at Shadow and he looked at me I would blow kisses to him. Shadow knew I loved him very much. Ever since Shadow passed away I feel so sad. I am not the same as I was. I feel like something is missing in my life. My second husband and I tried so hard to make him better and well. Money was not the issue. Shadow was more important to us than money, and we loved him so much. Things are not the same without him, but the important thing is that he is not suffering any more. Now I am suffering because of his loss. I will never forget him. People that have animals love them and take care of them because they are so precious!