A donation was made in memory of Joy by
Doctors and Staff of the Pet Loss Hotline on
Feb 15, 2011.
"On January 20, 2011, my husband and I had to make the hardest decision of our lives and put our sweet Joy to sleep. The cancer had just gotten to be too much for her.
Joy, or Joie de Vive, was the brightest light in our lives. She was an 8 year old Golden Retriever who lived with us along with her mother and two “brothers”. Joy wasn’t just a part of our family – she was our partner and shared in everything we did, living up to her name every day by bringing her sunshine into our lives.
She often read our minds – bringing a pair of gloves to my husband when he went to get wood for the fireplace, bringing his cap to him when he got ready to go to work, placing her paw on my arm to comfort me when I was sad, as if to say, “I love you”.
She was like an extension of my right hand, always wanting to be with or near me, volunteering to help in any way she could, such as carrying a roll of plastic garbage bags for me every week when we gathered up the garbage, helping me put away the canned goods on grocery days, staying perfectly calm and still for hours by my side when we were taking photographs of birds.
One of her favorite things was going for a walk around the ponds near our home. She would fairly fly over the grass, hunting the scents of birds and anything else she found. Her joy was contagious and still makes me smile when I think of it.
She was truly one of a kind, and we still miss her so terribly. Our hope is that she is now with the Lord, and is healthy and happy once again, safe and waiting to greet us when it is our time to go."