Miss Mottley (Missy)

A donation was made in memory of Miss Mottley (Missy) by Dr. Singbeil, Dr. Fritz and the Staff of Crossroads Vet on Nov 23, 2010.

We want to thank Dr. Bruce Singbeil for sending a donation to Washington State University's College of Veterinary Medicine Pet Memorial Program. We will be sending Dr. Singbeil a thank you note acknowledging his generosity and thoughtfulness. We also want to thank Richard M. DeBowes, DVM, MS and the Pet Memorial Program for their condolences concerning the death of our beloved Miss Mottley (Missy). She was a beautiful, black and orange, long haired feline that stole our hearts. She lived in a Green Belt behind our neighbors house for ten years. Her owners would not allow her in the house. When they moved we were happy to adopt her. She was very timid and it took several weeks for her to come out from under the bed and adjust to living in a house in close association with people. With lots of love and patience she became the most loving and sweet kitty who soon ran the houehold. She almost made it to her 20th birthday. She died of kidney failure and cancer on September 6, 2010 (Labor Day ) at 1:00 AM. We appreciate Dr. Singbeil for making her last days comfortable with appropriate medications and care. We still miss her but we are so happy to have the memories of the joy she brought to our lives.
Sending peace and harmony.
Paula P. and Bernice L.

Paula & Bernice P.

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