
A donation was made in memory of Missy on May 26, 2009.

I have never had a cat curl up and make her home in my heart quite like my Missy!

She was so dainty and tender, with more love in one paw than the 3 dozen cats I've owned in the past!

She followed me around the house, helping "supervise" laundry, bed making, cooking, doing dishes and simply watching TV. She also "helped" my husband in his machine shop in the basement of our home. She was always investigating boxes, drawers, closets, blankets, you name it! You should have seen her at Christmas time with all the decorating!

We had a rountine each night at bedtime. She would run up the stairs ahead of me, jump on the bed and talk to me. I would lie on side and she would rub on my outstrecthed arm, pressing and purring, giving me kitty kisses and looks of utter contentment. Sometimes she would THROW herself up against tmy stomach, side or leg, curling up tight next to "Mom" and purring like crazy.

Missy was fussy about where she took her naps. She would enter a room, pause and look around until she saw a likely place. Sometimes it wasn't completely to her liking, so she would search until the perfect spot was found. Then-let the napping begin! She always looked so comfortable and cozy, it made me want to curl up with her!

In her honor I am crocheting kitty blankets of a soft and thick stitch, which makes a very plush and comfy place in which to curl up for a nap. For each one that I sell, I am donating a portion to a local spay and neuter clinic.

Each night now, my heart breaks anew, as the spot where she slept is empty, along with heart. She was truly one in a millions!

Carol K.

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