A donation was made in memory of Buddy on Dec 13, 2010.
This is about a dog named Buddy, and how he seemed to be part human. I meet Buddy at a bairder fair at Spirt Ridge(a small moter home park)he was brought to the fair by a man who was trying to sell them. A family with small kids bought him. This yellow lab with a touch of german shepard had been feed milk to fatten him up, he was under fed (could see his ribs). The people who got the puppy,needless to say cows milk gives puppies the poopies the people were angry and threw the little guy out of there camper in the middle of the night in the middle of the desert type camping.No trees,they left. the owner was visiting with a camper that morning and the little yellow lab came and sat on the campers foot, the land owner said the wolves would get him! the camper named Ausie," said" while the puppy looked up and showed him his big loving brown eyes," no I think hes going with me".They wear buddies and he loved to travel,and camp.During one of the barder faires at spirt ridge on the 4th of july a lady named Becky and her daughter who has never had a dog, was camping,The daughter took me to ausies booth! before she even had met this dog she felt he was looking at me in a way that made me feel like he was trying to tell me he needed to go releave himself.I said" your dog needs to go potty " doug said he lets me know when he needs to go, I said" no let me take him out" he gave me his leash and off we went, we walked a ways and he looked up and made a face like I'm ok so I let him loose he sniffed around and did his job,I went back got a bag and cleaned it up.Becky really liked the dog and his master treated him like a human, he showed me his tricks and showed me he could shake left or right he knew right and left. ausie was very good to his dog.ausie gave me ahug (best hug I ever felt) I had left my 20 year marrage to a heavy drinker months before I meet Ausie and he had broke off a 6 year relationship to a drinker.The three of us were unseperated,the first time I climbed in his truck buddy gave me a big wet kiss!! he moved over on the seat so I could set by ausie he liked me, I felt like he was happy and shared ausie with him, when we hugged he would try to get in the middle of us . we had a ball we traveled and played and were together at least 10 years.Buddy could tell if a child is autistic, or had special needs he was uncomfortable around kids small kids, he would stand behind me if he was uncomfortable,we had a family in our booth once they had about 4 kids,3 were running and 1 was withdrawn.Buddy walked to the autistic type child and the boy put his hand on buddy and they bonded the other kids started to run to the dog,buddy got next to me and the child he didn't want the other kids touching him he would make noises like he was talking to me saying keep them back. our friend played a harmonica and buddy would get the pitch and he would sing,it was so sweet, we would take him to see ausies mom at a assisted living home, he would proudly walk in and let all the people pet him. We took him everywhere with us. he was a great camper,loved outside and to roll in the grass he made many friends human and animal. In october of 2008 ausie was diagnosed with throat cancer, stage 4,buddy knew before we did.he would lay on the floor next to his side of the bed.once ausie went into a seizure and he got up on the bed and lick his face but he wouldn't stop, had to put him in another room he would get very vocal.ausie is alive and in remisson, On day this summer buddy started to limp we couldn't find a sore or anything so we got him x-rayed , buddy had bone cancer, we were very upset, said they could amputate but thats 1000s of dollars, we took thim to WSU to get a 2nd opinion. it wasn,t good. they did 2 radioation and on a trial kemo drug it was some hope.buddy tried to be strong and learned how to walk on 3 legs he had a hard time geting up and down the stairs and built him a ramp he took pain meds and tried to chase the squirrls. he acted like he was doing WSU was checking his blood work up and watching him, out of the blue on october 21st he started having seizures on the 22nd of october the seizures were out of control it wasn't right he was suffering and they could't help so our vet came to our house and put buddy to sleep and took him to be cremated we were in shock. we keep feeling numb we miss him everyday its like we feel him here,it hurts ausie the most he's fighting to recover from his kemo and radioation and surgery hes lost over 100lbs and is weak hes on a feeding tube for 2 years its scary stuff . I wish him all the luck in the world and we loved buddy so much you don't know how much they are like your kids it hurts his kitties even hurt they don't know how or were he is. I just hope it dosn't make ausie depressed anymore than he already is he needs to stay positive he needs his buddy for extra support.he used to lay his head on the bed next to ausie he misses it we all miss him.
Rebecca E.
Rebecca E.