
A donation was made in memory of Romeo by Kay Glaser on Feb 05, 2013.

Letter to Romeo

Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou, my tough little guy Romeo, aka Romey-yo-yo, aka Romsky?
You were the goofiest, most lovable, tenacious, brave soul I have ever had the privilege of knowing. You touched all those that knew you, young or old and gave everything you had until there was no more to give.
There is no single story or way to describe you, you just always were the story. Your proud little chest, big brown eyes and silly grin made everyone happy. Who could resist you? Who did you not trot up to, smile and introduce yourself confidently, not knowing or even caring that your funny fangs and droopy nose gave people pause, like, “man did you see that dog, what happened to him, is he a rescue dog? And, “wow, look at that under-bite, can I take a picture of him, he is so whack” etc. etc. You didn’t care if people were un-mannerly, it was always another meet and greet, an opportunity, Romeo, ambassador of goodness and sweet dignity.
When you were attacked as a puppy and almost died, you didn’t give up, not then, not ever. Curtis with the black pearl saved you and your life was a big thank you every day.

All those wonderful special needs kids at Waimea School loved the way you would let them lead you around the school yard and pet you when they worked hard and did what their teacher asked them to do. Your funny face made them feel so comfortable in their own skins, and how you loved it when they all yelled “Romeo “ as you ran into the classroom.
Watching you watch TV was the best show ever; the way you jumped onto the chair to try to get in the TV when you saw any animal on the screen. You thought those animals were there to play with you, tilting your head back and forth intently, telling them what was up, even when they didn’t reply.

You loved that big log on the path down to the lake and by the end of the summer you and Bella had it almost hollowed out so you could get those chipmunks, didn’t you, Romey? And that rude mongoose in the engine of my garden cart, with you and your BFF tag-teaming him…well, we can’t really talk about that…..

How many times did Brian, our UPS driver, have to drive back down the driveway as you’d hidden in his truck, ready for another ride? And what about the time you and Bella pulled our friend that had heat stroke up the mountain trail until we got to the top, and he could start back down?

Ah, the boat, your favorite…. warm, lazy afternoon cruises where you were our captain and who on the lake didn’t recognize you in the setting sun, your manly little profile strong against the darkening sky?

At night you were never content to just lie on the bed, you had to curl up right beside me, your presence a clear signal to the evil spirits that you would keep us safe….forever, Romey, our dear sweet little man, our prince among dogs, the captain of our ship, you left this world too soon, we don’t always get to choose, it’s a better place for your fleeting presence…..

You were, and will always be, your own story.
RIP, little guy.

Lizika L.

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