A donation was made in memory of Jacob by Dr. Perchetti, and all the staff at Elko Veterinary Clinic on Mar 31, 2020.
Hope this re accounting of his untimely death will help others... Jacob was only 5 years young and in the best shape... no signs of what had happened to him to occur.
Here is what happened:
Monday night, March 16th, 2020, after 7 pm, Bill notice Jacob was not acting normal… he brought him into our home around 7:34 pm and I notice something was wrong…. I asked Jac what was going on and he gave me a look I remember so well, when Fane, his Great Uncle, came in from eating a turkey neck and the bone penetrated his stomach wall. Well, I reached under Jacob to feel his belly and it was distended, but further up… phoned the our Veterinary Clinic and they returned my call… bring him in immediately… which we did….Dr. Mike Perchetti, DVM co-owner of Elko Veterinary Clinic was there to meet us and proceeded to assess and then decided to tube Jacob’s tummy…the tube went in with no problem and the Vet released some fluid and some gas, however nothing to state it was Gastric torsion…. possibly starting? I stated something else has to be wrong, to which Dr. Perchetti did take an x-ray, during the tubing. It displayed an enlarged spleen. Primary splenic torsion (not associated with gastric volvulus) is rare in dogs. (American Veterinarian.)
Bill and I requested a preventive gastropexy along with the splenectomy and the Vet concurred. Surgery started at 9 pm and ended just shy of 12 am…. 3 hour long surgery that did not go too smoothly. Jacob’s heart stopped on the table and Praise God a Vet Tech, who was not supposed to be working that night, was asked to assist and she noticed his heart had stopped… the Vet massaged his heart and he was back. The spleen was beyond huge, (Dr. stated it was at least 4 pounds and over 15” long..full of blood) cutting off blood supply to possibly the stomach and the ventricular portion of the heart muscle. Jacob received a blood transfusion, as he did lose allot of blood.
The most common postoperative complications were anemia and ventricular arrhythmias.
Here is the weirdest thing of all of this….Splenic torsion can be an acute (sudden) condition with signs of pain and collapse or it may be more chronic and your pet may experience non-specific signs such as intermittent abdominal pain, vomiting, in appetence, abdominal distension, weight loss, excessive drinking and urination… Jacob had no signs of any of these prior to the 7:34 pm awareness.
Anyway, the Vet’s… our main Vet and amazing Doctor, as Dr. Perchetti, Dr. Alan Cuthbertson, DVM, who also is a co-owner of Elko Veterinary Clinic have gone beyond to stabilize and remedy Jacob’s arrhythmia and ventricular tachycardia. The staff.. all the Vet Tech’s, other Doctors Dr. Tim Warner and Dr. Tessa Mogan are an amazing family and each one work together to help and assist their patients! We are over the moon thrilled and honored to have them had care for our Houndson Jacob and we still are so appreciative for all their personal extra care given to him. God Bless you all. We praised God for his will to fight and we were optimistic that he was stable enough to come home. We LOVE you our Jacob baby boy! Yes, he did all they asked of him..he ate, peed, pooped..he went over the 72 hours being alive.. the crucial hours... he was so well behaved. All the Vets, techs, staff LOVED him and now our hearts are broken, as we miss our Houndson beyond belief. He was intelligent, loving, attentive, and very handsome...all you want in the best Borzoi Houndson ever. Until we all meet again... rest well with Jesus... in a blink of an eye... we will be together again.