Mr. Snickers

A donation was made in memory of Mr. Snickers by Doctors and Staff of Fairwood Animal Hospital on Jul 23, 2013.

On July 15th, 2013 Mr Snickers, border collie extradinaire, passed on to the other side.

Snickers started his life as part of a military family. At the age of one year he found himself at the dog pound when his family was transfered to another military base. Snick, was not one to lose faith ever. He was very charming and was brought home to the West family by Crystal for her younger sister Tiffany. Tiffany taught Snick to dance and he and Tiff danced frequently. Snicks love of music would continue through out his life. He especially loved hearing the piano being played.

When his family had to move, Snick came to live with Judy, Wayne, and Chiquita, the black lab, and here he resided for the last six or seven years. Chickie, the black lab, taught Snick how to swim and helped him find his inner labrador. Snick became an avid recreational swimmer and water dog.

When Judy and Wayne moved to ten acres North of Spokane, Snick was really in his element. He took his job seriously of protecting the border of the property and he had his own personal creek to swim in. He also had his own dog house, which he took great joy in. Snick took up retrieving and specialized in finding and retrieving four to 5 foot sticks (logs).

Like the late and famous Will Rogers, Snick never met a person he didn't like and he had a special love for young ladies, the staff at Fairwood Animal Hospital, and his family human and canine alike.

Tricks, the black lab, joined the dog pact as a puppy. Snick and Chick took their job seriously of bringing her up. She and Snick romped around like puppies on the property until January of this year, when Snick became ill. In March he was diagnosed with cancer, which he battled couragously. Up until the day he died, Snickers attempted and often succeeded at sneaking off to the creek for a swim. His found great peace and comfort in lying by the creek this summer. May we all embrace such joy of living, during adversity and declining health.

Judy A.

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