
A donation was made in memory of Meena by Doctors and Staff of the Pet Loss Hotline on May 02, 2012.

My name is Sasha, and this is my baby Meena. She recently passed away, due to a completely and totally preventable illness. Her birthday is coming up, she was just a month shy of her 5th birthday.

We got Meena when she was a baby, two months old, in a pet shop in Newark, New Jersey. We ended up in a bad position soon after and she endured all the way with us, never getting mad, always so cuddly and pure. She used to hate when we went out, so most of the time we took her with us, especially if it was just the store nearby.
My fondest memory of her was a sock puppet that I had bought but she took it from the top of the plastic box containing my books, which we had in front of the window so she could stand on and see out the window like she enjoyed to, and she used to shake it around and toss it. When my grandmother came over, her legs hurt, and Meena tried playing with her. But Meena would hit her legs of course because she would shake the puppet. My grandmother took it and put it at the top shelf in my closet. Meena would always stand there and bark, because she knew it was there. So my grandma gave it back to her and as soon as it hit the ground, Meena shook it, HARD, against her legs. Like revenge. :)

When she was 1 1/2 years old we moved to Delaware because my mother had gotten married. She wasn't used to a house and she was nervous at the new environment. For reasons I will not say we had to give her to my grandmother. For those 3 years that she had her, they grew fonder, but everytime Meena saw us she was undoubtedly elated. But we were two hours away, so we saw her very few times.

Over the course of the past year Meena developed a rash-type of skin disease. We took her to many many different vets, paid $1,000 for ALL tests to be made, and all the vets concluded that she had a food allergy. Meena was never spayed, and we'd planned to spay her in the midst of this, but we wanted the rash to ease up a bit before that. So many things happened that we were never able to spay her. And then the unthinkable happened..

Meena began to leak a discharge and my grandmother called me, very distraught, wanting me to look up what it was. Based on Internet research I concluded it was an infection and she should go to the vet. The vet was closed but they scheduled an appointment the following morning.

Meena went and the vet right away said she needed emergency surgery. My grandma doesn't speak English, so they told my mother over the phone. They told us she had Pyometra. Once I looked it up, I automatically started crying.

Pyometra is an inflammation of the ovaries that is severe and fatal if left untreated. The surgery is dangerous and complex. They wanted us to pay and we didn't care at all. We payed all that had to be payed, and booked the first train to NJ. Meena survived the surgery, and the doctor, knowing we were freaking out, called and told us she made it and that they would give her to us the following morning at 9 a.m. He also told us that she was Septic, but that everything would be fine. To be septic in her case meant that the bacteria had spread through her blood. We were thrilled that she was okay and went to sleep happily.

That night, we heard all sorts of things. My grandma and I, while getting ready to go get her, even exchanged how we heard Meena's footsteps around the house. I recall her clearly saying "Meena was about to die." Little did she know..

As I was putting on mascara the veterinarian called and my grandmother passed me the phone and told me to tell him that we were on our way. I remember his words clear as day, right after I said we were calling a cab to pick her up, he said, "Meena passed away."

After that, I'm not too sure what happened. My grandmother later told me that she knew something was horribly wrong because I lost all color in my face. I just felt a sudden emptiness, but no more. It took a while to kick in. She said if she were an artist, she would paint my face because- that was true sorrow.

We went to see her and he explained that it had spread too far, and her body did not reply to the antibiotics afterwards.

The last memory I have of Meena is her limp body over the doctors arm, with an IV hooked to her foot.

Meena was our baby, and due to carelessness on our part, she passed. It's been two weeks and the tears don't stop. And what do people say? "It was just a dog" "It's not for so much show" "Get another dog" I ultimately hate every one and each person that has said this. I hold an immense grudge because Meena wasn't a dog. She never was and never will be. And I wish those people would shut up, because they don't know and they never will. If you can't understand pain, it's better to not comment on it.

Every night that I was here, in the middle of the night, Meena would come check on me to see if I'm okay. While she was the one slowly dying, she was trying to keep us safe...

Pyometra is a completely preventable illness. I advise everyone to spay/neuter their pets. While it's most commonly found in older dogs, Meena is an example that it can happen at any age. If the dog is going to have kids, let her have her puppies, but spay right after. The end result can be worse than what you think.

R.I.P Meena. 05/14/07 - 04/15/12


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