
A donation was made in memory of Jenny by Doctors and Staff of the Wandermere Animal Hospital on Jun 13, 2011.

We have been notified via your letter of 6-10-2011 that Drs. McCorkle, Moore and Wood at Wandemere Animal Hospital have made a donation to the Pet Memorial Program at WSU. We feel overwhelmed by their gesture in memory of our recently passed cat, Jenny.

Jenny was diagnosed by WSU with a rare tumor for which there was no known treatment. She was treated with experimental therapy from WSU oncologist Dr. Choy. Drs. McCorkle, Lawrence (Veterinary Surgery of Spokane), Siems (Inland Empire Imaging) and of course the great docs at the Pet Emergency Clinic in Spokane formed a team which contributed to giving her six months of quality time which we would not have enjoyed without their commitment, patience, and professional knowledge.

Jenny and her bud Casey (still with us!) came to us fifteen years ago, peeking out of a cat carrier at their new family, our two sons aged 12 and 10 at the time. Jenny proved herself to be a great companion, although always quite outspoken despite her diminutive six-pound frame. Jenny had a way of ensuring that her humans understood how to provide her with everything she wanted and we all quite enjoyed the challenge of deciphering what was on her agenda before she became exasperated with us. Even as Brian and Travis became men and went off to school they remain devoted to their childhood friends.

We loved her so.

Thank you for this opportunity to remember her.

Janet W.

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