
A donation was made in memory of Artemis by your Family at Shiloh Veterinary Hospital on Apr 28, 2022.

Today (4/28/2022) we said our final goodbyes to Artemis. I'm happy to have gotten the year and a half with her. When I met her after she was surrendered to the veterinary hospital I work at, she had a broken canine tooth, double ear infections, and underweight. Despite being in obvious pain, and during her recovery, she was a complete angel. I had never met a more gentle ferret. I adopted her before she was even fully recovered because I knew i would always regret it if i didn't. Not long after I brought her home, I watched her have multiple seizures, and she was diagnosed with insulinoma. Artemis did really well on the medication, and she bonded immediately to Orion, whom I adopted after learning they do best in pairs or groups. We lived happily for quite some time before I realized something else was wrong. A couple months ago our vet told me Artemis also has an adrenal gland disease, which often follows insulinoma diagnosis. But because she was already so weak from everything else thats happened to her, treatment options were limited and risky. I made the decision to not do surgery and just continue the insulinoma meds and watch her health as best I could. She's been fighting so hard. But it took a toll on her. She lost 80% of her fur, and her muscles deteriorated to the point that you could see her bones under the skin. She was going blind and recently she seems confused and lost, like her mind was going too. She used to give me kisses on my cheek when I kissed her but she hasn't done it in months. She did today when I was saying goodbye and waiting for the doctor to come take her. I'm beyond thankful for that small moment, thinking about it brings me to tears. ... I will miss my little Familiar.

Would you like to give in Artemis's name?
