
A donation was made in memory of Nugget by the doctors and staff at Queen Anne Animal Clinic on Sep 11, 2024.

Nugget was not just a dog, but truly a member of the family. I got him when he was 8 weeks old and he passed just short of his 19th birthday. This picture really captures our bond as he was always licking and I was always so happy to have him near. Nugget was sassy and had the biggest bark for such a small dog. He was loyal and loved me just as much as I loved him. Nugget loved chasing toys, eating human food, snuggling under the covers, going for walks (or strolls in his old age) and just being anywhere as long as I was there with him. He hated clothes, but did tolerate being dressed up for Halloween for a few pictures each year. I was so lucky to spend so many years with him and I'll miss him forever. He was the best boy and friend I could have ever asked for. Love you Nugget!!

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