A donation was made in memory of Oof by
Doctors and Staff of the Pet Loss Hotline on
Nov 30, 2009.
Smiley Dog
Wiggly Butt
Stick Killer
Ball Chaser
He gave the gentlest of kisses with his smooth, spotted tongue
And he would lie patiently outside his Mom’s bathroom door
Waiting for her to come out
Or behind her chair in the computer room
In either case, when she wanted to move, you would hear, “Oofy, look out!”
Fifteen years ago he climbed up my neck with his needle sharp claws and nipped on my ear lobes while whacking my face with that little curved tail. His enthusiasm was boundless and never was failure a part of who he was. He got right into my heart.
I buried him this morning, the last day of Spring, 2009.
He’s out in the field close to where he always turned around and looked at me with that smiley face while he waited for his slow Master to throw his ball.
I sent him off today with two of those balls and if I get to see him again, I’ll try to do better.