Callie Killawatt

A donation was made in memory of Callie Killawatt on Dec 21, 2010.

I was working for the Federal Government at McNary Dam in Umatilla, OR, when the Operators at the Dam found Callie in a nest out by some towers they were working on (November 1997). They came into the office and was telling about finding a nest with 2 baby kittens in it and asked if anyone wanted any. I said Yes. They went back and got her and she was the only one left. I said she has to be Callie Killawatt. She was a wonderful kitty. Cally was 13 years old. Everyone loved Callie. Yes, Callie & I had a special relationship shared between us. I sure do miss Callie.

Thank you for letting me share Callie's story with you.

Jeanette B.

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Additional donations made in Callie Killawatt's name

  • Kit T – 5/31/2011
    Comments: I have just lost my wonderful, 13 year old cat, named Calli. She looks so much like yours did. My daughter and I found her as a kitten, and she named her Ms. California (Callie for short). She was my little soul kitty, and I will always miss her as you do yours. Weren't we lucky that they loved us...
  • Trudy Guyett – 1/4/2011
    Comments: Callie was a wondewrful Cat, I am so sorry for your loss. Cali thought that she was queen of the sun room! And the boss of Gerdy. I loved hearing all of the funny stories about her.
  • Marlene Freels – 12/21/2010
    Comments: Jeanette, Sorry to hear about Callie. I remember the day that you got her and named her. Followed by stories about her growing up.