A donation was made in memory of Riley by
Christina Cotterill on
Feb 03, 2015.
Mark and I would like to submit "The Life of Riley" to memorialize our precious golden retriever who passed away on January 30th and to provide a vehicle for others to donate to the great work the WSU Vet school is doing for Riley's canine and other furry brethren. Riley was a patient at WSU under Dr. Maran and team's superb care three years ago after we discovered a slow growing cancerous tumor on his aorta. We were blown away by the care our boy received and marveled that it was most likely better than any care we humans have received! So, we are hopeful that Riley's story will insight many to donate in his memory.
The Life of Riley
Riley came into our lives as an eight-week-old golden ball of fur 12 years ago at Christmas. We said goodbye to him on January 30th, 2015 after learning of a massive abdominal tumor. Our hearts are broken, but we know Riley's in a place where swimming holes, tennis balls, unending hikes and snowy romps in the mountains, tummy rubs, and his favorite homemade doggie biscuits abound.
Although he was only with us for 12 years, Riley taught us more about unconditional love and pure joy than we'll ever learn in a hundred lifetimes. And that's the point, isn't it? They flash through our lives for just an instant, but leave us with memories and lessons that will last us the rest of our days. Mourn him with sadness, but only for a moment, as Riley's infectious smile and perpetually wagging tail wouldn't stand for that for even one more second than is necessary. And, he did live THE LIFE OF RILEY in every possible way!
We and Riley are hoping that he and we will be able to give back from his special place at "The Rainbow Bridge" with this memorial tribute.